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Show FORFEITURE NCrt'ICE To O. T. Clark, otherwise known as and written Orrigin T. Clark and to the unknown heirs, devisees, assigns as-signs and personal representatives of the estate of O. T. Clark, deceased, otherwise known as and written Orrigin Or-rigin T. Clark, and all persons claiming claim-ing by, through, or under said O. T. Clark, otherwise known as and written writ-ten Orrigin T. Clark or his estate, and to all whom it may concern: You and each of you are hereby notified that the undersigned Monitor Mining Company (a corporation) and its grantors, have expended during each of the years from 1898 to 1910 inclusive $100.00 worth, being $1900.00 in all, of labor and improvements im-provements upon the Monitor Lode . mining claim situate in the Star Mining District, Beaver County, State of Utah, the location notice of the said Monitor Lode mining claim being be-ing of record in book E page 151 of said mining district records, reference refer-ence being made also to the records of the County Recorder of Beaver County, Utah; in order to hold sai claim under the provisions of section 2324 of the Revised Statutes of the United States and the amendment thereto approved Jan. 22, 1880 concerning con-cerning annual labor upon mining claims, being the amount required 10 hold the said Lode mining claim ior the periods ending respectively on the 31st day of December of each of said years 1898 to 1916 both years inclusive. And if within 90 days from the personal service of this notice, no-tice, or within 90. days after the publication pub-lication thereof you fail or refuse to contribute your proportion of such ' expenditure of $100.00 per annum on the said Lode Mining Claim, as cu-9wner of said claim, which amounts to the sum of $16.66 per annum for said Monitor Lode Mining Min-ing claim during each of said years (or the sum of $316.54 In all) your interest in said claim will become the property of the subscriber, your co-owner, co-owner, who together with his graut-oia graut-oia has made the required expenditures expendi-tures by the terms of said section. This day May 7, 1917. MONITOR MINING COMPANY By P. B. McKeon, pres. By E. H. Althoff, secy. By Louis A. Roser, trustees. A E.SH. ALTHOFF, Secretary. Firat publication May 11, 1917. Last publication, August 10, 1917. |