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Show Lonely ME WILBERT Las a heart of gold. Will no one tell him what's the matter why girls turn pale, and gracious matrons freeze at his approach? Yes, we will. This has gone far enough. Get a new pipe, Wilbert, and treak it in gently, thoughtfully, with Sir Walter Raleigh's favorite smohing mixture. mix-ture. When the curling wisps of its fragrance surround you, everything will be changed, Wilbert. How to Take Care of Your Pipe Qlint Na. 3) To make your pipe sweet from top to hcei. smoked7 the pipe load when you break It io. or fill die bowl half fall the first few times so that the heel, ard not merely the top. will be broken in. Send fot our free booklet. "How to rakeCareofYourPipe." B:own& William-sonTobaccoCorporation.Louisville.Kentudry, William-sonTobaccoCorporation.Louisville.Kentudry, Dept. 97. i 1 Sir Walter Raleigh Smoking Tobacco Ifs liSf wilder f.- -- yj I 4 Boschee's Syrup ViWef and coughing stops at tSonce! Re I. eves where others fail. Contains nothing injurious but, oh, so effective! GUARANTEED. Boschee's At all W I !j P druggists v U H W. N. U., Salt Lake City, No. 11-1930. YOU HAVE A DOCTOR'S : WORD FOR THIS : I LAXATIVE : In 1875, an earnest young man began to practice medicine. As a family doctor, he saw the harm in harsh purgatives for constipation and began to search for something ' harmless to the sensitive bowels. Out of his experience was born a famous prescription. He wrote it thousands of times. It proved an ideal laxative for old and young. As people saw how marvelously the most sluggish bowels are started and bad breath, headaches, fever-ishness, fever-ishness, nausea, gas, poor appetite, and such disorders, are relieved by the prescription, it became necessary neces-sary to put it up ready for use. Today, Dr. Caldwell's Syrup Pepsin, Pep-sin, as it Is called, is the world's most popular laxative. It never varies from Dr. Caldwell's original effective and harmless formula. All drugstores have it. : lliilli f or any A1RT I U I lV! ana Wiil-."4 f . LossofSixi , We can never be sure Just what j;j5il makes an infant restless, but the tisgjs.- n remedy can always be the same. iljlll; fSB'J Good old Castoria 1 There's com- V- fort in every drop of this pure vegetable preparation, and not the . very promptly; if it doesn't, yoa slightest harm in its frequent use. should call a physician. As often as Baby has a fretful All through babyhood, Castoria spell, is feverish, or cries and can't should be a mother's standby; and sleep, let Castoria soothe and quiet a wise mother does not change to him. Sometimes it's a touch of stronger medicines as the child :olic. Sometimes constipation. Or grows older. Castoria is readily diarrhea a condition that should obtained at any drugstore, and the always be checked without delay, genuine easily identified by the Tust keep Castoria handy, and give Chas. H. Fletcher signature that It promptly. Relief will follow, appears on every wrapper. |