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Show SHORT COURSE WILL ' BE HELD AT B. A. C. A Farmer's Short Course will be conducted at the Brunch Agricultural Agricultur-al College at Cedar City, on Thursday Thurs-day and Friday, March 20 and 21, according to an announcement made recently by Director Oberhansley. The course is being conducted under the direction of the Extension Division Divi-sion of the Utah State Agricultural College at Logan. An intensive two day program is planned for the purpose pur-pose of ili.-4cu.'!iig problems relating to agriculture in southern Utah. Among the sii'Kkers who will conduct con-duct the course are Prof. George B. Caine-, and Dr. Stewart. Professor Caine is in charge of Animal Husbandry Hus-bandry for the Extension Division and Dr. Stewart is head of the department de-partment of Agronomy and Crops. The latter lias written a number of text book.-; on agricultural problems in the v.e.' t. The program for the 2 days is as follows: Thursday 10:00. I', piling Vrof. Caine. 11:00. Alfalfa .Culture Dr. Stewart. Stew-art. 12:00. Dii'nrr. (Continued on back page.) SHORT COI RSES TO BE HELD at a A. C. (.Continued from first page). 1:00. Culling Dairy Cattle Prof. Caine. 2:30. Poisonous Plants Dr. Stewart. Stew-art. 3:30. Wool Grading Demonstration Demonstra-tion and Shrinkage Tests Mr. Lyman Ly-man and boys. 8:00 P. M. General Meeting. The Dairy Situation Prof. Caine (Production and Commercial). Com-mercial). Our Public Domain Dr. Stewart or Prof. Wm. Peterson. Peter-son. Friday 10:00. Feeding Prof. Caine. 11:00. Alfalfa Seed Dr. Stewart. Stew-art. 12:00. Dinner. 1:30. Com. Breeding and Standardization Stand-ardization of Breed Prof. Caine. 2:30. Discussion of Local Prob-.. lems and Economic Surveys Prof. Wm. Peterson. Prof. Wm. Peterson, director of th Extension Division has also been invited in-vited to be in attendance, and if be is present, additional courses will ba added. An invitation is extended to all the Farmers of southern Utah to attend the course. o . |