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Show American-Grown Bulb. i In the future It Is not likely that the United States will continue to depend de-pend upon Holland for our spring flow eiing bulbs. This country uses annually annu-ally about ?2,UO0,()0O worth of lutch bulbs, and produces scarcely $2.",J0) worth in any one year, this despite the fact that few plants are more widely adapted and few crops mure easily grown than bulbs. The Kedeal Department of Agriculture bits prepared pre-pared a very Interesting bulletin jn bulb culture In the t'nlted States which points to rich possibilities -In the years to come. ? llullis can be grown in thin country on both the Atlantic and Pacltle sen-boards sen-boards and In the Ohio and Mississippi Mississip-pi valleys. Some of the hurdler and more robust of the narcissus varieties thrive even In the gulf states, ('(m-irnry ('(m-irnry to what would be generally supposed. sup-posed. It is not too cold for tulips and narcissi to succeed as fur north 'as Sitka. Alaska. They thrive along the entire border of the I'nlted States wherever the mo'sture conditions are suitable. j |