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Show More .Qualtty for Less Money There never was a time when Goodyear Tires were so good as now. They are bigger, heavier and stronger today than any earlier Goodyears ever were. Yet Goodyear prices are lower now than ever. Not even in those remembered days before the war did Goodyear Tires sell at such low prices as today. Look at the ficures listed below. They represent an average decrease of more than 60 from Goodyear prices of 1910. When you can get these better Goodyears at such prices, there is no question of the tire value at your command. Your Goodyear Service Station Dealer will tell you that never in his experience as a tire dealer has he known the equal of this value. See him today. SO 1 3 Croae-Rib 1rtftC 32 x V All-Weather a,- Fabric $10.95 Tread Cord $2530 . SO i W All-Weather S24 All-Weather Tread Fabric $14.75 Tread Cord $32.40 30 1 3 ?i All-Weather ,0 33 1 4 AH-Weather sit Tread Cord $18.00 TreaJCord $33.40 Uanujaetmtn't Us nh " W Mliti Midi tVT t ri Ti a d " TAKE ASPIRIN ONLY AS TOLD BY "BAYER" "Bayer" Introduced Aspirin to the Physicians Over 21 Years Ago. .11 1 To get quick relief follow carefully the safe and proper directions In each nnbroken package of "Bayer Tablets of Aspirin." This package Is plainly tamped with the safety "Bayer Cross." The "Bayer Cross" means the genuine, gen-uine, world-famous Aspirin prescribed by physicians for over twenty-oue years. Ad ertlsetnent. Here's Good Advice: Relieve Your Fatigue With Sleep. Avoid Stimulants "PHERE is nothing' in the world other elements found in both coffee so reconstructive as sound, re- and tea. . If you have an idea that coffee T- Z t f !f 3 or te may be injurious to poisons that have accumulated health 4 . f fSSF?7, ' week or so. and drink deUcious. ments are taken up by the various fit Postnm instead. v.. tissues Uiat require rebuilding nu- to triment. Postum is a rich, golden-brown, Ti . . , pure cereal beverage. It contains It is important that you get no harmful elements of any kind. plenty of health-bringing sleep. You drink postum M m Anything that interferes iwith your times a day as you or the chQ- Eleep hampers and hinders ycu- desire a refreshing mentally and physically. beverage. A Common Cause Of physical Your grocer tells both forms of Poerumi WakneSS and mental denression i-? Instant Postum (in tins) made instantly in the W-UKil .ttllU "e"UU ueprtbbiun 13 Cup by the addition of boiling water. Postum the reaction following OVer-StimU Certal (in packages of larger bulk, for those who L..iu-J...' .1 prefer to make the drink while the meal is being latlOn by the drug, Caffeine and prepared) made by boUlng for fully 20 minutes. Made by Postum Cereal Co., Inc, Battle Creek, Mich. ' j t'nlwWwwtiWir-ween. mm- mmW. i Biff-- inenrlr-iiM,T t rWa retn mw .eiiiej 1it wm ej si isenrt r is i wini tv i m.'-i m,jna Mttatm w', m.. . |