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Show Happenings in Bingham TV.imated damages caused by the recent floods in Bingham amount to over $3,000. The city officials are to be congratulated . ' ' o" the efficient manner in which thev attended to the restoration ' ca the streets for public traffic. ' R. D. Davis of Salt Lake City and E. H. Davis of Evanston, W oT-insr, came to camp on Wed-ropday Wed-ropday to visit their mother, Mrs. Annie Davis, who is a patient pa-tient at the Dr. F. E. Straup J opital. Mrs. Davis is suffering suffer-ing from a nervous breakdown. The Copperfield Young Men's club will give one of the biggest dances of the season at the I. 0. 0. F. hall at Copperfield on Friday, Fri-day, May 26th. Come one, come all, and be entertained .by the Copnerfieldv b.pys who are born - entertainers. The Six Kinney Bros, of Salt Lake City, Haw- old Canyon Hall, which will now be sold and demolished. , ; "Josh" Billings and John E. Berg, prominent mining engineers engin-eers of Salt Lake City inspected the Bingham-Montana Mining Company's property on Saturday last. . i '-..'''V'v-'-. ' ".'"V. The many friends of City Water Wa-ter Master W. Robbins, will be pleased to know he is convalescing convalesc-ing nicely from his recent illness. The old Inglesby home which had been partially burned and an eyesore to the camp for some time is now being demolished and it is understood that a fireproof fire-proof building will 30on be built in its place.. The "Byzantion" a new Store has been opened up the past week at Copperfield. The Store will be operated by Steve Kalip-etsis Kalip-etsis and ' Nick Dardopoulos. They will specialize on fruits. Many of the business men of camp have acceded the requests of the Town Board for a general clean up and the Sphere Awning Co. of Salt Lake City has put in about twenty-five new awninsts as a result. j John Ragno, who had been in business for several years in ; Copperfield, recently returned to camp from Italy and has secured se-cured , the Copperfield Candy Store in Copperfield where he will be pleased to meet his old time friend3. Walter Cheplin, once connected connect-ed vath the Highland Boy Mine is now on his way to Chili-where he has taken a foreman's position posi-tion with one of the mining companies com-panies there. Mr. Cheplin has remembered some of his friends here by sending them post cards of the Panama Canal Zone. aiian entertainers, will furnish the music. Pete Murano has purchased 1 he building formerly known as the Schliep Meat Market. After renovating he intends to operate a grocery store there. ' . Arthur Jones, son of Mr. and T.Irs, Mark Jones, has been the recipient the past week,' of a bronze medal end a $5.00 check . which he received as a prize in a national contest. The third prfoe was awarded to him for his essay on "Safety First" which was given by the National Nation-al Automobile Chamber of Commerce Com-merce of New York. - Fathers Day, Sunday next at ' the M. E. Community Church. A special program is being arranged. ar-ranged. Good music. Andy McDonald, one of Cop-perfield's Cop-perfield's young sports, whilst at work at the Utah Copper Company's Com-pany's property, as craneman, pot struck with a rock on Thursday; Thurs-day; and is now carrying a cane. The Canyon Hall owned by the Bingham Theatre company, is fi' " ""S-fiw offered for sale by John " Catifield as president of that. company. Many.an old-timer win recall with pleasure the many enjoyable evenings spent in the |