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Show : The Friendly s aVWVWVWWaSVWVaVaV1.5 "INCURABLES" ffTXZHILE there's life there's hope." No truer statement ever was made. Every one has heard it and, nearly every one believes It But to Judge by the pitiable Uvea of many one is inclined to believe that a large number fall to put their belief Into practice. I There's another old proverb which says In substance that nothing Is certain cer-tain but death. And this Is likewise believed by most persons, though at times one finds the handwriting on the wall Indicating that certain things! are Inevitable. 1 Nevertheless, the latter proverb Is just as sound as the old one given at tne Deginning or tnis essay. There would, therefore, be much more happiness happi-ness In the world If many more would live with both thoughts clearly la mind. There Is no sadder Institution in the world than those devoted to the treatment treat-ment and care of persons afflicted with incurable ailments. No one In the world deserves greater sympathy and comfort and aid than those who' are suffering from ills which they believe cannot be cured. But there are entirely entire-ly too many who are declared Incurables Incur-ables or decide themselves that nothing noth-ing can be done to bring them good, health. Every community of consider able size has some such residents wlf make life unhappy for themselves at others, and many thousands of tha may be found In the United Stat) Yet, thanks to the advances of medll science, only a very small proportl of these ore actually Incurables. I Wonderful would be the increas the world's hupplness If this fact j widely known and understood anil Ueved. It Is, therefore, a matttj great Importance which should if every one glad that i'resldent I ding's personal physician. Brig, I Churles Sawyer, Is engaged In jt -ning for the welfare depnrtmeMf the United States government. Doctor Sawyer has devoted inn his life to seeking "Incurables' curing tbein, and he believes tin happiness and welfare of thotison persons depends on teaching them few are actually Incurable and most of thc sick can tie mode wei (Copyright) I O |