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Show Growing Old Too Soon? Are you one of those unfortunate folks who finds yourself feeling older than you should? Do you feel lama and stiff mornings; drag through the day with a constantly aching back! Evening find you utterly worn-out? Then look to your kidneys, r re sent dav life puts' a heavy burden on the kidneys. They slow ud and poisons accumulate ac-cumulate and upset blood and nerres. Help your weakened kidneys with V)oun' Kidney Pills. Doan'i have helped thousands and should help you. Ask your neighbor I An Idaho Case C. A. Trover, miner. Main St, Wardner, Idaho, says: "I had a C l s . . . gnawing pain In ViV7"Jf!$'l the small of my Af?f'A4 back. When I w;f'fi''t Y straightened up fter bending I KTOVfiUA had a knife-like MJ Vt-kW Pnln nd my kld" F'V;v yney acted Irreg-''hi-mmA ularly and both-fe1jf;",,J--fcfered me at nlht. h't&iM&i&ir A friend advised HiyXI me to use Doan's Kidney Pills. After uslnff three boes, the p"lna disappeared and my kidneys were In Kood shape. " Get Doan's at Any Store, 60c a Bot FOSTER. M1LBURN CO BUFFALO. N. Y. ; j "melts in your mouth" then you get the delec table gum center. ' tUf And with WrigleVa three old tandbys also affording friendly f aid to teeth, throat, breath, ap- Nfc ' petite and digestion. Wi Soothing, thirst-quenching. JY&ffV . Making the next cigar ytr (fX.J taste better. ! iert ir it. nil iMininnsfiiiniiinriinninr-i in tr-- mn rr ' s Putnam Fadeless Dyes IT i Cuticura Talcum - " Ftcltiogly Fragrant Always Healthful Soap 25c, Ointment 25 tad 50c, Talcom 25c HILLS HONEY &TAR GOOD FOR BAD COUQHS 65c at stores; 75c by mail Address New York Drug Concern, New York ppnp w Pi$rfllS I SI"" breathing re-UltKJ re-UltKJ SJ I U' ved In a Jew hour., - . swelling reduced in s few days; regulates the liver, kidneys, stomach and hottiti purifies the blood,ysretithen the entire lyntem. Writ for t rim Trial Trtatmtnl. coLLuy oaorsy remedt co, ocpt so., Atlanta, ca. HlYOU CAN'T GUT OUT If A Bog Spavin c Tuorengnpla ! R;p) but you can clean thero off ... ImmhMMhm ( )p- and you work the borse Af same time. Dms not Meter of remove tha hair. $2J0 VH-v tall yoo more if 70a write. rkks&l BookiAfree. You'UGct A Year's Wcarwwr, V '& 7 JQIQ MMi, I excelEo Mmm 1 SuspenderS 1 No rl.b.r to rot. Huihoe tVTlT'inEj itm Bronx Bprinn ! tlw T&f lllL-ll i itmrh. Ak Veur Dealer vl rjf lTX VK (Mrtra mnA IIom Supporter. CfX X If Mhwi'tUuira.Mnudirect.f . AZiX 1 if irm itinj t'i tvorjl nT VSl kr rne. wtrrd i 1 I f t Factories in 33 Cities Safeguard the Health of Your Family ENJOY MODERN CONVENIENCES ATH. TOILET. KITCHEN SINK IN THE HONE SewageDisposalWithoot Sewers . FIRST COST THE ONLY COST Jld. NO UP-KEEP SEOUlREDi I CONSULT YOUR " plumbis in M'S-,. Itlltl' United Cement Products Co. 18H E. Vermont St. Indianapolis, InrL Important to motners Examine carefully every bottle W CASTOItIA, that fumous old remedy for Infants und chlhlren, and see that It Pears the yJT z. Signature of (ZtUCtti In Use for Over Yeurs. Children Cry for Fletcher's Castori i Why She f I jy -,J "I have always used the cheaper baking powders, supposing them just as good as Royal but I invested in a can of Royal Baking Powder and now find all my baking bak-ing so much improv- !ed that 1 will use no other kind. Miss C. L. D. ROYAL Baking Powder Absolutely Pure Contains No Alum Leaves No Bitter Taste SsnJ for Ntu Royal Cook Book It' FREE. Royl Caking Pow-derCo,126WillUiuSt.,NewYorU Pow-derCo,126WillUiuSt.,NewYorU tmmmrmmmmacrmKmimmmKimKmmmimimamm Asps ro ft WARNING! Say "Bayer" when you buy Aspirin. Unless you see the name "Bayer" on tablets, you are not getting genuine Aspirin prescribed by physicians over 22 years and proved safe by millions for Headache Colds Rheumatism Toothache Neuralgia' Neuritis Earache Lumbago Pain, Pain Accept only "Bayer" package which contains proper directioni j I Handy "Btyfr" boiM of 12 tablets Also bottle of ti and 100 DrugyUfa. I aiplrtu U tt Umd mutt ( Br MuuUstw tt UmttmUntiimUt f tJiUaM-14 |