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Show J-- - , THE BINGHAM NEWS. BINGHAM. UTai HAD TO STAY IN BED- FOR WEEKS ,.. - Onveha Citizen Says He It Now Rid f Troublee That Had Kept Him' Miserable for Year. "I was almost out of commission when I began taking Tanlac, but It has made me feel like a new man in 1 short time," said W. S. Meadville, 7C04 North Twenty-nint- h St.. Omaha, Neb. "Sly liver and kidneys were out of order and I had terrible pains In my back and sides and was so bad off I often had to stay In bed for two weeks at a time. "The results I got from Tanlac were a very glad surprise to me. It bene-fited me In every way and I believe the Improvement I received will prove lasting and I feel stronger and better than In muny a day." Tanlac Is sold by all good druggists. I hm COMIC SECTION I 1 Hi R'member Ifl in fil HP-- ' A7 WJj&X&& V l 1 1 j More .Qualtty for Less Money There never was a time when Goodyear Tires were so good as now. They are bigger, heavier and stronger today than any earlier Goodyears ever were. Yet Goodyear prices are lower now than ever. Not even in those remembered days before the war did Goodyear Tires sell at such low prices as today. Look at the ficures listed below. They represent an average decrease of more than 60 from Goodyear prices of 1910. When you can get these better Goodyears at such prices, there is no question of the tire value at your command. Your Goodyear Service Station Dealer will tell you that never in his experience as a tire dealer has he known the equal of this value. See him today. SO 1 3 Croae-Ri- 32 x V Fabric $10.95 Tread Cord $2530 . SO i W S24 Tread Fabric $14.75 Tread Cord $32.40 30 1 3 ?i 33 1 4 Tread Cord $18.00 TreaJCord $33.40 Uanujaetmtn't Us nh "W Mliti Midi tVT t ri Ti a d " TAKE ASPIRIN ONLY AS TOLD BY "BAYER" "Bayer" Introduced Aspirin to the Physicians Over 21 Years Ago. .11 1 To get quick relief follow carefully the safe and proper directions In each nnbroken package of "Bayer Tablets of Aspirin." This package Is plainly tamped with the safety "Bayer Cross." The "Bayer Cross" means the gen-uine, world-famou- s Aspirin prescribed by physicians for over twenty-ou- e years. Ad ertlsetnent. Here's Good Advice: Relieve Your Fatigue With Sleep. Avoid Stimulants "PHERE is nothing' in the world other elements found in both coffee so reconstructive as sound, re-- and tea. . If you have an idea that coffee T-- Z f or te may be injurious to poisons that accumulated health 4 . f fSSF?7, ' week or so. and drink deUcious. up by the various fitPostnm instead. v.. tissues Uiat require rebuilding nu-- triment. Postum is a rich, golden-brow- n, . . pure cereal beverage. It contains It is important that you get no harmful elements of any kind. plenty of health-bringin- g sleep. You drink postum M m Anything that interferes iwith your times a day as you or the chQ-- Eleep hampers and hinders yc-u- desire a refreshing mentally and physically. beverage. A Common Cause Of physical Your grocer tells both forms of Poerumi WakneSS mental denression Instant Postum (in tins) made instantly in the .ttllU 13 Cup by the addition of boiling water. Postum the reaction following OVer-Stim- U Certal (in packages of larger bulk, for those who latlOn L..iu-J...- ' Caffeine and prefer to make the drink while the meal is being prepared) made by boUlng for fully 20 minutes. Made by Postum Cereal Co., Inc, Battle Creek, Mich. ' j t'nlwWwwtiWir-ween- mm- - mmW. t rWa retn mw .eiiiej 1it wm ej si isenrt r is wini tv i m.'-- i m,jna Mttatm w', m.. Slump In Microscopes. The general depression In the op-tical trad: Is being felt very severely by British microscope makers, most of whom aw working with reduced staffs. Some are only working alter-nate weeks. This is partly due, no doubt, to overproduction during the war, when a large number of micro-scopes were supplied to the order of the government, but even taking this Into account the demand Is now ab-normally 'small. With hospitals pov-erty is a natural excuse, but In other cases, such as that of schools. It Is nt so easy to explain why so few new Instruments are being purchased. Ac-cording to one largo firm the great majority of microscopes now pur-chased are for purposes . connected with mineralogy.- - Manchester Guar-dian. ' JVett Now, TImt's So! ( week ) - 1 V WWH MMBR S7K FIRST TO COMPRESS FEET Favorite of Chinese Emperor, Many Centuries Ago, Said to Have Originated the Custom. J. 1. Donovan, authority on Chinese cusloniB, in an article called "Ilomunce In Chinese Literature," published In the Forum, writes : "The Ideal of beauty and the mark of gentility for a woman used to be small feet, the compression of which was not Imposed by law but wus a craze of fashion, as slender waists were at one time In England. Several accounts are given as to the origin of the custom of foot-blndln- but proba-bly the following is the correct one: "It Is said that Yao Nlang, the beau-tiful concubine of Emperor LI l'u (975 A. D.), was light and graceful in all her movements, being able to dance with ease and elegance. She gave so much pleasure to her lord and master that he caused to be made golden lily flowers with movable petals for Yao Nlang to walk on from her apartments to the palace. To gratify the emperor still further, she compressed her feet, In order that they might look like a lily bud unopened, until they were three inches long." ODD CURE FOR RHEUMATISM Might Have Been Effective In 1742, but One Would Hesitate t Recommend Jt ( Rheumatism is associated with a greater number of superstitions than any other complaint In Holland there are people who be-lieve that a potato begged or stolen Is an effective preventive, while chest-nuts are said to possess the same efficacy. In the Midlands of England the right forefoot of a hare, carried in the pocket, Is regarded as a fine amulet, and the Cornish villager Is apt to put his trust In a piece of the wood of the mountain ash. Perhaps the strangest "cure 4 rheumatism is that which is to be found In the "Compleat Housewife, or Accomplished Gentlewoman's Com-panion" a work published In 1742 i "Let the party take of the finest glazed gunpowder as much as a targe thimble may hold; wet It In a spoon with milk from the cow, and drink a good half pint of warm milk. after It; be covered warm In bed and sweat ; give It fasting about seven in the morning, and take this nine or ten mornings together." i One Way of Knowing. Two friends put up at a hotel, and one of them could not sleep or for some other reuson got up early the following morning and went for a walk before breakfast. He returned In time to Join his frieud at the mealr und was greeted by the jocular: "Up and early this morning, Bill. What's the trouble?" "How do you know I was up early, Jim?" Bill fenced. "I heard you go out an hour Ijefore I came down," explained Bill. "How did you know It was me, though?" queried Bill. "Oh, I can always tell your foot-steps by your, cough 1" Answers. Safety First Teacher Johnny, If you don't be-have I'll have to send a note to your father. Johnny You'd better not. Ma's as Jealous as a cut American Legion Weekly. Doubtful Proposition. Representative Frcar of Wisconsin said at a dinner In Milwaukee: "There has been a lot of talk to the contrary but nevertheless the cost of all kinds of wearing appurel keeps unreasonably high. "A rich Milwaukee banker sat at luncheon the other day when a serv-ant entered and said: " There's a second-han- d clothes man at the hack door, sir.' " 'Good !' said the rich banker. Ask him If he can let me have a second-hand pair of shoes at a reasonable price.' " "Ain't It the Truthr "Halloa, old topi" said Bertie, gen-ially, "did you catch that train ail right last night?" , "Oh, I caught It all right," leplied Jack dejectedly. "Saw the rear light disappearing as I arrived on the plat-form " "But, hang it all, you Just said you caught It," corrected Bertie. Jack sighed. "The married mar who misses the last train alwayf catches it," he said. New Steel Wheels. Forged in one piece, a steel wheel has been invented for automobiles, including rims, spokes, hubs und brake drums. An old man with a good steady in-come expresses his opinions pretty freely. Nothing In the world Is either nobler j or rarer than a truly devoted friend-ship. Representative citizens are generally He Didn't Mean Nuthin' those we aren't afraid of. I'M GOING DOWN To THE WELL I "DON'T KfiyU YOU WISH lb SEE ThE. TELEPHONE COMtKNV K ID A THE OPERATORS PRESIDENT, ADAM T MRS. FEATHER MEAT) COMPLAIN -- THE OPERATORS HAVE MUCH ON SOU tHO SHALL I 6A1 ft KEEP ONE VAITING AMD H ' CALLING ? ( 'HJ ' " AtTlNG - ITS OUTRAGEOUS T ' "J V ; V J "PARDON , BUT 1 THiNK IT j HT) I ( 1 h-T-v5- IMIGHT. eOUND A LITTLE M0CE P fOUINCH NG'JJ LtybEN .FANNV- - Yr EFFECTIVE AND. MO0RTANT IF L-- .1 WORM WHAT 5 THE UE OF ' M V |