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Show News Happenings 3 Intermoimtain States J Logan. I)r J. O. Needhara, for the past ten years head of the department f etoniology at Cornell university, has been secured by the Utah Agricultural college to deliver a series of lectures during the lost week of the first term of the summer quarter. Salt Lake. Announcement has been made by lUilf K. Woolley, hydraulic engineer of the United States geological geolog-ical survey, of the receipt of advices from Washington, D". C that a contln uous stream survey of the Green river from Flaming Gorge, on the Utah-Wyoming Utah-Wyoming line, to the town of Green, River, Utah, will be made. The worK to be done will take in several long stretches that have not been surveyed for chnn and reservoir sites. Chicago After an attorney had asserted as-serted that Constantino Yodas, charg. sd with beating his wife, "was not fit to kiss his wife's foot," Judge Haas In police court disagreed. "I think he is fit to kiss the wife's foot," the Judge ,sald, "and I no order." Yodas looked about, slowly got to his knees and smacked his wife's shoe twice. , Portland. The Annual Rose festival,-Inaugurated festival,-Inaugurated fifteen years ago, will be held this year June 7, 8 and 0, according accord-ing to plans announced by the municipal muni-cipal committee in charge. The pro- gram will include the usual festival features, with a floral parade as the climax. Cooperation has been promised promis-ed by IjOS Angeles, Sun Francisco, Spokane, Seattle, Tacoma and other Pacific coast cities, It has been retorted. re-torted. Enterprise, Ore. Enterprise lias stolen a march on the rest of that jroucho riding state by issuing Invitations Invi-tations for the first roundup of the season. The frontier classic will take place simultaneously with the annual convention of the Oregon Cattle and Horse Kaisers' association May 24 and r. Price. The recent heavy snowstorm has in a measure dt'luyed the bull-d-Ing oieratlons In Price and vicinity. San Francisco Itadlo sets are being lold in California at the rate of 500 week, and there are a large number f unfilled orders constantly on hand, icoordlng to report. Chlco, Calif. Butto county's luu ber camps are showing signs of to owed activities, and soon tlue sound of the buzz saws will be heard from most of the well established camps. Tncoma, Wash. Tim 1923 natlonul enventlon of the National Congress of Mothers and Parent-Teacher Associations As-sociations will be held in Louisville, Ky. Denver. Restoration of a peculiar prehistoric ruin In the Slesu Verde national na-tional park In Colorado will be attempted at-tempted this summer by Dr. J. Wal-r Wal-r Forbes, chief of the bureau of Vmerlcan ethnulogy of the Sinlthson-mix Sinlthson-mix Institution. Nanipa. Ten carloads of cattle were oaded here last week for shipment to coast points. Wallace. The annual convention of the Idaho Bankers' association will be held at Haydeu lake In north Idaho, June G and 7. Albion. Work will soon start on the oil well southeast of Albion, nord has been received that the casing 'tnlerod recently has been shipped. As soon as it nrrlves drilling will be jturted. Poople of the valley are enthused en-thused over possibilities. Cw Id well A moose frolic that will eclipse any previously held In this section sec-tion is planned for Caldwell July 19. The place and time were fixed at a aio:iiig of the executive board of the lodge. One of the features of the meeting meet-ing will tie the initiation of a large number of candidate, nvid.a contest for drill tenuis Of the various lixlges Is being strongly advocated. Salt Lake. Members of the Utah runners' association and representatives representa-tives of the California Packers' association asso-ciation waited upon IL If. Adam, lee president of the Union Pacific railroad systeirt Monday In an appeal that the rates on canned goods be reduced. re-duced. No specific reduction but a M'n'T.tl reduction was asked. Mr. Adams said that he wouid take the matter under advisement. Idaho Falls. Douglas Fairbanks nnd Mary Iickford are negotiating for the pmclnia? of Blue Lake the famous fam-ous l'-irine homo, in the Snake River canyon at the foot of Shoshonit falls. Glenn Ferry. Extensive Improvements Improve-ments are to made- In the yards of the Oregon Short Line railroad. Caldwell Formation of a nulk testing association has been proposal t a nieotfng of th board of dint-tors of the t'un.von county farm bureau. The objwt of stnii a body In, to give dairy-men dairy-men lnfonutaS6n a to tbe milk anil butterfat producing qualities of theii herds |