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Show MRS. HATFIELD SABIflA, OHIO la Pitiable Condition when sae Began Taking Lydia L P-okhami Vegetable Compound SaMna, Ohto.-'! took Lydia ELPbuV tam's Vegetable Compound for weak- ; m inimim!!!!!! ISf i wi'Sif.rtS III III' Ml v we&K ana III Jl nervoua and could hardly stand on my t, f' I cook meal. I was j v'i?x thia way for about a M ., year and bad tried I fin ? Ml several medicinea i k7T and had physician, V jlll but to no avail My " '; "iater waa taking ' your medicine ana ' " ' " ., . . I finally induced me to try it I now feel fine and can do my housework without any trouble at all. , You can use this letter for the sake of others if you wish." Mrs. WeldonG. Hattoxd, R. R. 8, Sabina, Ohio. Housewives make a great mistake In allowing themselves to become so weak and nervous that it is well-nigh tmpoa-1 tmpoa-1 sible for them to attend to their necea aary household duties. Lydia E. Pin-ham's Vegetable Com- ; sound should be taken when you first , notice such symptoms as nervousness, . backache, weakness and irregularity. It will help you and prevent more serious trouble. Give it a fair trial. It surely helped Mrs. Hatfield, just as it has maw. I OLDSMOBILE DEALERS WANTED In I'luh. Mhio, N-h1, N-h1, Wyoming. Liberal romtniuion will tend reprr ntntlv on request. A.E.T URSSEN-bHrlbutor. ! KNOWLTON BEAUTY SHOP Rverythlne known in benuty culture. Let u tell you about our Creams. Powder and Hair Good. Se S. Main. yCICTCD SCHOOL of DRESSMAKING ALlJ 1 tl Teche fot to Uenign, Cut and (" " ia9BCT-,-l We are the only 1' 5Jf "fa'4 of rrnit monuments In 4,-r'' "dr 11 lyUjt finegrained irran-Uf irran-Uf Wf Ue which tUnda 3rl TfE1 higher MH wUitm JIJ-. preaaure than Ik IS?' eMt"rn irraaile I 'VyiNiffrt'l r' nd tnlrea a ery J 'fJPfcajiV. tine poliili: qiiar-5: qiiar-5: ried.cutjjiilinhed 4 r"' eared hy E5V4' Wr-ll VUh lalior. See ,ZTjgjifrS Y"m 100,1 dealer n f he dnea not hare it in stork, Write us. the prices will plea you. We also have a Inrye stork of eastarn grunite at remarkably low prices. Utah Cranlta and Marbla Co. 1 West South Temple many other women. ggg gcaamatiMt) X5y is endorsed by horsemen umvenally for Distemper. Influenza, Pink Eye, Cough or Cola among horses and mules. Excellent as a preventive. Equally good for Dog Distemper ana Chicken Cholera. Wtitt for Fret Booklet Sold in two sizes at all drug stores. :4v WATCH-THE WATCH-THE BIG 4 1 Stomach-Kidney a-Heatt -Liver Keep the vital organs healthy by regularly taking the world's stand-ard stand-ard remedy for kidney, liver, bladder and uric acid troubles , GOLD MEDAL The National Rsmedy of Holland for cantoris and endorsed by Quaan Wllhal-snlBa. Wllhal-snlBa. At all druggists, thraa sizaa. jtk tor tKa aaaaa CoU Medal a aratr Wa ma4 accsH mm faaitatioa COCKROACHES Watarhags i Atinrc f0 1 Canned Foods Thera is hardly a household In America today that does not one a lot of Canned VnAm B.Un k. kln4 winilM-fif Hv In prenerrlna the original flavor and Usta of nearly every kind of fruit or vegetable. The reason so much fruit spoils la b causa of wrong canning methods. This book tella yon a lot of things yoa probably pro-bably havent heard of before and Its FREE. Just fill In the lines below plainly, plain-ly, and send a two cent stamp and wa will mail It ta yoa promptly. a v t Easily killed by using the genuine Stearns' Electric Paste Also 8CRR DCATH to ri and arte. These Cta are the greatest carries ol Osrata, Tuer troy both food and property. XADY POR USE BETTER THAN TRAPS InrseUoas la U languages la every bos. Sos.alssSts. Uos.slseSl.BO. MONEY BACK IT IT FAILS " Vj thc TheNam "Cutters" : 7 jonXrnrms, Vaccine mi tfttrntfn sttnlfir. Made by Tb Laboratory Labora-tory tlut Knew How." Twenty-five years of eon ackatiout endeavor In one line count for sossttaioL The Cutter Laboratory BcrkricT (U l -loam) California D I - C O L - Q FOR BURNS CUTS ITCH SORES 75c al atorea; 85c by maiL Address New York Drug Concern, New Yor YOUMPli H.lr cotor Re storer. Saf to use as water. Make you look jouna kgala. At all good jtrunilst. 7b cents, or illrecl tpo aXLfa. Ciiealsts. Memphis. Teno. HELEN BROOKS DEPAETMENT Bex 1I4S. Sslt Laks Cltyv Utah. I enclose two cents in stamps for return re-turn postage on a free copy of "Canning and How to Use Canned Foods." Name -Street City Cutlcura for Sore Hands. Foak hands on retiring in the hot suds of Cutlcura Soap, dry and rub in Cutlcura Cu-tlcura Ointment Remove surplus Ointment with tissue paper. This is only one of the tilings Cutlcura will do If Soap, Ointment and Talcum are used for all toilet purposes. Advertisement Sure Relief FOR (..DIGESTION sSJstsZlfe 6 Bell-ans L-t'A&'zJ Hot water TOv-H Sure Relief hisr iss LLalU irt4!iSj a 5$ end 734 Packages. Everywhere V. N. U, Salt Uk Crty, No. 20-.192Z |