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Show gars. If some worthless cusses find out they can live on charity, they are made of the kind of mud to accept charity as long as some of the rest of us will work early and late and give it to them. CHARITY Charity is a noble virtue if not abused. It may be a vice and a liability if improperly used. Not much charity is ever given to the rural people. They have trained thru the centuries of bread by the sweat of their brow. Those who never sweat are the first to court charity. Independent In-dependent folks are a safer class to a nation than the dependant class. In many cases where disaster, dis-aster, sickness or accident has come to human beings, charity and donation come in good form and folks are always glad to lake part in such good work. It has been told that the Kaiser had a plan worked out and in vogue in Germany whereby there were no paupers or beg- |