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Show Baseball Notes The Boston Red Sox have released Outfielder Fred McGaffey of Lynn. - Chuck Fonn, a Chinese ball player, has been practicing with the Athletics. According to eastern critics there is more interest In baseball this spring' than ever. j "Babe," Ruth as a vaudeville artist. ' has clearly shown that he Is a great i baseball player. . ! i The St. Louis Cardinals believe that they have the pitching find of the sea-; son in Barfoot. j Mannger Mack of the Athletics sj still having dlfilculty getting a good pitching staff together. ; : "Speed" Murtln, veteran Cub hurler.j has been released to the St. Puul! American Association club. i Modern Improvements have not made life more enjoyable for the oc-' cupant of the bnsehull cellar. ! II. A. Frlcks, '24, of Swnrthmore, ! Pa., has been elected captain of the Wesleyun varsity baseball team. ; . For the first time in years thej Athletics are commencing- to net like j (I real major league baseball team. N!'-v Al'f'-S I" so!n ir.te ths stories stor-ies nil right. Re-enforced cameras nnd double-thickness lens muke It possible. pos-sible. President W. II. McCarthy of the Pacific Coast league has forbidden the growth of whiskers by the members of the Sacramento team. The baseball being ueed in the major ma-jor leagues this spring Is not as lively as that of lust spring, yet there seems to be plenty of heuvy hitting. Spenker Is reported to , have said that If Duster Malls reached bis old-time old-time form this spring the Indians would be In the pennant fight. Pitcher Ira Pat Townsend has been sent to the Toronto club. He was with the Hraves nil last season nnd Is a famous batting practice hurlcr. A headline tells of the arrest of a Cjillfornla thief who "stole home a piece at a time." The man who takes that long to steal home ought to be sentenced to work In Connie Mack's out held. Kxperts who have wnMicd the rebuilt re-built Phillies und.T the leadership of Kaiser Wilhelm claim this leani Is go-Ing go-Ing to bund out u lot of irjirlses before be-fore the season is over. |