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Show 1 presentation -l I Pieces Aie 1 tpri-ialty witli ui. I -Tit imliudimli. weidini, linmlin 01 anv puiKv. V have ihe tliingi 01 will make tpetial piei-ri lo otJ t. Ol oui taialcpir. I ice. (ALT LASS Cllt UlAfl $ , . IVrlnfintfl and Children. it 0, '" :-:. " Always Bought ALC0HOI.-3 TER CENT V i1! AVfCefoble Preparation Tor As- iy 1 ling (he Stomachs and IMs cf UifcJUAy fCv $ Promotes Digeslionhi'frful- ft if t U n ncssandHcM Contains neitlKT rr ( li l; Opium. Morphine nor MiiutjI v AVllH Jij Not N ah c otic tVljlf ?? i IA- In V: A perfect Kimcdy forConitipfl- At y UoEJ 'MI, lion. Sour Stomach, Diarrhoea, I a.l t: Worms, Convulsions. Feverish- fJ P O ncasandLosSQFSLLLP. WJ Qj U V B ':i Facsimile Signature c&.?7uZ7. Thirtif YnnrQ &i The Centauh Company. I II II IV lUUlO ji NFAV YOHK. ar-rsi BSMTlfl Hi;irnnteeil under Hie Foudanj) jy yy? y WUUal U Exact Copy cf Wrapper. . it. 1 111 " Hewlett's Luneta Is tbe ONLY FRESH ROASTED STEEL CUT COFFEE on the market. FRIoII ROASTED means you get all the strength. STEEL CUT means all the chaff an J wast 3 i3 ELIMINATED. You set the lent cclTee on the i.v.rl.tt v.hcn you use LUNETA, packed in air-tijht tins only, f Ask your fjrocer for LUNETA to- t!:iy. yandlESMOK carind;,, TP Shoots .22 short, .22 long and V'VVr' --'i 22 long rifle cartridge, V(liVr without adjustment. 1 Soli J Breech, 1 lammerleu, Safe f 'f " ? V Built by the tame expert gunsmitln at tha P -"'J -; , Remington-UMC big game rifles. f-y V ' v If you want to shoot your beit, shoot Reming- ..I'y ton-UMC Lesmok .22s. Tlieir sccuracy fiht fy enabled Arthur Iubalrk to break the 'otU's ( ' . , Record in ICO consecutive slioU, Koring 2.4S4 " r, - 'i out of a pos-il.le 2.500. ?V .V , ', FgrrtQgtOnrUMC the pe'fect shootbig : V -k combination. Pi' " j Reminflon Arms Union Metallic Cartridge Co. t ' ; J 29 brodw,. N.w York Car V - J W- I I --JjjI U ! Bank by Mail f Wilt) (hnnt'livt lunik In the intcrmmmtiiln rvirfnn I'nii I kci-p r.li wlii-ri- II mt I " Molrii ir lnt. hi ii'l a teller with ri-intltamw lo lln iii'l. lnnn i inntiitiMM, HH'I jinir levmiiH ln'ismi. S-ivuifc-i Oepartiiii-iit weelvi'H mm Irom Si no m. paying 4 wf cent hitereKt. enmniHiiiilril tw ice a yi-ar. ' WALKER SnorHCHS BANKERS, J Write tor Inlormalloii. t Lake City ! I -mi,,r-s . "-i A PO.SIHVF. and PFR- Frttvi MANENT cuke Fan ; KftfV Drunkcnnsss aaJ lLk?liJ Opium Cisca.es. 1 TW U M auMirilT. aa kara. I ll, l',i'.l J..i.i, M i. iWnr a kaMi. till. kM I I I IN. IllUlt, JJ4 W. Sik I -nl Mini. S.ll l.tfc. dir. Strong Healthy Women K ) II e women is stronj end heelthy - womnnly way, moth Q 'v't'' I rrhood means to lirr but little suiierin(. 'I he trouble bee t -H id tbe lact that the many women suffer Irom weukorta and vj diaeaae of the diatinctly feminine orfaniioi enJ ero u&ti(4 in V- -ft y lor motherhood. This can be remedied. ! irt'ivXl Dr. Tierce's Favorite Prescription 3. Carre lie wakncc and -iaorder r,f women. 'C'S. Il acts c'irrolly on lit ilcbcata uJ important -i'. f'S rrfans concerned ii rjot aerbrxvl, tnaLiiii theca ipS litahhy, etroiC v;jorou, iUe J tl-siic. HI Tevorite TrciKriritioa" hani hes fie invpoition of tha reriud of rtpctlii icy and tnakct U-t-y's ejvi-r.t ra-y emt --4 almost painL:.. It ;-.ickent and vital. era 1'ie l-minine ' orant, and inantrs healthy anj robuat baby. Ibuuaands cf women bar i tctt.bej to i: r.nrvtloos merit. It Alike .cak Women ytmnz It Vnket Skk tt 'omeir MrL ' IInetdni!li ats do net oCer suUutuien. and urfe them upon you e " fu' S food." Accrr-t no S'-crct nooirura i.i f lj.r .f this mn-itcrtt remedy. It containa not i'ro f alcohtd and n.. a .t f hihit-brin4 of in "Ou drut. Ia a pure t'yocric citrsrt (I Leabue. Amrricaa rKK. |