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Show sport is crippled and unable to do any sporting. A new depot has been erected here In the center of town, and other new buildings are progressing nicely. The new hall is Hearing completion and the first big time will come off Friday night next. A Mr. Bird, traveling salesman for Taylor liros., I'rovo, has been in tow n this week and has already sold four pianos, one to each of the following: Mr. Peter Nelson, foreman ou Mcln-tyre's Mcln-tyre's ranch; Charles Nelson, section foreman; Fred Nlelson and Wells Nlelson. This makes eight pianos for l,eamlngton, and prospects for a good many more when the next crop of alfalfa seed Is harvested this fall. We are happy to report the birth of three new babies this week. One to Mr. and Mrs. James Ixtvcll, one to Mr. and Mrs. 1). Hradfleld, and the other to Mr. and Mrs. Ilrlgham Clark. Mothers and babies all doing nicely. Sister Martha Hoper of Oak City accusen (tie I,eamington Dramatic Co. of running away with her hammer, but we plead not guilty. We also lost ours and a saw. Perhaps some of the, hammer throwers of Oak City could throw some light on the lost articles; or It may be the hammers are oft somewhere throwing themselves. Should anyone see them, kindly return one to Sister Hoper and the other to A. M. Harder. Should they not be found we will with pleasure furnish Sister Iloper with a new one. Joseph Nlelson and wife are in Provo buying furniture to furnish their new house. LEAMINGTON. Alma Harder, Representative. Leamington has been busy for the last two weeks, ever) body has been doing something In the line of house-cleaning, house-cleaning, banging wall paper or painting. paint-ing. Not much sporting going on; every sport that la not too busy to |