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Show J FOOD IN SERMONS Feed the Dominie Right and the Sermons Ser-mons Are Brilliant. A conscientious, hard working and successful clergyman writes: "I am Clad to bear testimony to the pleasure and Increased measure of enieiency and health that have come) to mo from adopting Grape-Nuts food as one of my articles of dlcL "For several years 1 was much distressed dis-tressed during the early part of each day by Indigestion. My breakfast seemed to turn sour and fallenl to dl-feL dl-feL After dinner the headacho and other symptoms following tho breakfast break-fast would wear away, only to return, however, next morning. "Having beard of Graje-Nuta food, I finally concluded to give It a trial. I made my breakfasts of Graix'-Nuts with cream, toast and I'osturo. The result re-sult was surprising In Improved health and total absence i f the distress that bad, for so long a time, followed the morning meal. "My digestion became once more satisfactory, the headaches ceased, and the old feeling of energy returned. Since that time I bavo always had Grape-Nuts food on my breakfast table. "I was delighted to find also, (hat whereas before I began to use Crape-Nuta Crape-Nuta food I was quite neivous and became be-came easily wearied In the wotk of preparing sermons and In study, a marked Improvement In this respect resulted from the change In my diet. "I am convinced that Grape Nuts food produced this result and helped me to a sturdy condition of mental and physical strength. "I Lave known of several persons who were formerly troubled as I was, and who have tn-en be-d as 1 have been, by the use of Grapo-Nuta food, jn my recommendation." Name given fry Pofttim Company, IlatUe Cr-ek, tflcV "There's a reason." Head the little book. "The Road to vVellvnie." In pkg. F.rr tn tk above Vrterf A w twrni fraaa tlmt to tloto. TSt ar covtoo, rm, mm4 toll ( ta icroat. |