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Show MILLARD COUNTY CHRONICLE Published every Thursday at Delta, Millard County, Utah. N. B. DRESSER, Editor and Proprietor Subscription Price $2 per Year, 6 Months $1.25 Entered as Second-class mutter July 14, 1910, at the post office at Delta, Utah, under act of March 3, 1879. Salt Lake Office, 263 8. W. Temple St. -Visit Our Great Fall Opening To introduce and gel you acquainted with our splrnJiJ line of Fall Goods, we will give a Special Dlcotml of Ten Per Ccnl on Ladies' and Mines', also Children's Coats, Ouling Flannels, Misses' and Ladies' Sweater Coats. Ladies' Long Coats in beautiful shades of Red, Tan and Blue, $8.00, $ 1 0.00, $ I 1.00, $16.00 and $18.50. Misses coats in the above shades at $2.85 $4.75, $5.00, $4.65 and $7.75. Ladies and Misses Sweater Coats in all the latest styles at from One to Five Dollars. , These figures are probably the lowest that have ever made in this county on this class of Merchandise, and with this Special 0ening Price and the discount will male extraordinary bargains for the economical buyer. Remarkable Stove Offerings. We have over 2 dozen Stoves, Ranges and Heaters for our opening days. To introduce you to our big line of these goods we will sell on these two days: $40.00 Steel Range $37.50, $35.00 Steel Range $33.00. - SPECIAL PRICES ON ALL HEATERS FOR THIS OPENING When you buy our Stoves you see before you buy. When you order through some one or send east, you buy before you see. Schilling Coffee 25c, Serenade Coffee 25c, Coal Oil, 5 gallons, $1.25 Be at Our Opening and get the Newest and the Best at Lowest Prices. PRATT BROS., HINCKLEY. CQ U. S. Cream Separator M put on your dairy floor alongsule any other cream separator, Wk I L or all other separators, will outskim them all, will run easier, S WifT will wash up quicker, and will give more satisfaction right J? m I "-.- from the start. V f we can't prove this, you should buy another kind. Kwe can prove this, you should buy the U.S. WMMmt Wt sell 'em, You need one. jSSSI Hinckley Co-Op. Hinckley, Utah u. ' Wallace & Lisonbee -yffl'-"7 Carpenters, Contractors ySF " - t and Builders fT5' I' - j, l Plans and Estimates Furnished for any tlti-t ' : '";-VJDr3 kind of a building. I -. .v . .. 1 j Delta, - Utah FALL WEATHER. IS HERE AND YOU WILL BE NEEDING FALL GOODS Our New Fall Goods are arriving arriv-ing and We can supply you with Underwear and Furnishings, Hats, Caps, Boots, Shoes and everything else required lo male you feel com-, com-, fortable and well dressed and at reasonable prices Our Grocery Department continues to be Popular with the Careful Buyer. Stewart EccIes&Son, Delta, Utah JUST ARRIVED! Our new line ol - WINTER OUTING FLANNELS Good Quality, Shades and Prices. We invite you to come and see them. You will surely buy some of them before you leave the store. Beautiful Line of COUCH COVERS, ranging in price from $1.90 to $3.00 We have also received a splendid line of Enameled Ware Prices below all competition Special bariaia oa No 8 Iroa TaaVettla, aaly 45c Sack DAMRON & HAWLEY DESERET " - UTAH |