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Show D01WK0M Keep the chicks free from Iie. They :annot grow well and fight lice at the lame time. Old geese lay a greater numbet ind larger epgs and are more reliable :ban young geese. Young geese do not lay as many fer :lle eggs or produce as many goslings '.n the flrst breeding season as they lo In the second. Fresh air and sunshine are tbe best Jlslnfectants that the poultry raiser las t his disposal, and ought to be rore often used In Ms work. The Indian Manner ducks are not rery good sitters, although they are ften Im lined to Incubate. Their eggs ire generally put Into Incubators or inder bens for hatching. There Is no doubt that If the guinea len Is property cared for at all times bat It will prove almost as profitable is any of the ordinary breeds of hick-ns. hick-ns. Imrks are not very useful after the 'ourth or fifth year for breeding purposes pur-poses liens heed for laying, properly cared 'or and properly fed ought to produce . 125 to aa high as S0 eggs per )car r hen. The ducklings thould have great leal of sl ade. Extreme hot weathor rill kill tbem. When rhlcke become very much crowded they are liable to sweat In lie broder at night and take cold. b-wtne b-wtne chlllei. and this cause trouble, j |