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Show NOTICE OF INTENTION TO MAKE FINAL PROOF. Department of the Interior, U. S. Land OfTlce at Salt Iike City. I, David M. Palmer of Deaeret, who on the fith day of September, 190(1, made llomostead entry No. 1 fir"..", for south half, southwest quarter of Section Sec-tion 4, and eaHt half of northeast li of Sec. 9, Township 18 aouth, Kango 7 west, Salt Lake Meridian, hereby give notice of my Intention to make lin.il proof of five years to establish my claim to the hind above described, before be-fore the clerk of the District Court at Fillmore on the fifteenth day of October, Oc-tober, A. D.. 1911, by two of the following fol-lowing witnesses: David H. Palmer of Deaeret, Joshua Dennett of Deaeret, John II. Cook of Hinckley, Peter T. lilack of Hinckley. DAVID M. PALMER. Sept. 7 Oct. 6. |