Show The 8Mo for Dairymen. This Is the time of rear when the dairyman or dairy farmer who owns a silo likes to talk about silage. Good silage comes as near being June pas-lure pas-lure in January as any feed with which the dairyman la familiar. Its succulent or Juicy nature especially fits It for stimulating tbe milk flow and keeping the cow tn vigorous health. Probably the most Important rule In tbe profitable dairy Is to keep tbe cow't milk flowing as freely as possible pos-sible after the flow has once been started by parturl.tlon or calf birth. To do this demnnds right feeding and good care. Sllnge Is also necesnary to right feeding. Bllrge is a cheap feed to cut up and valuable to use. It Is grown on he farm. This fact Is of Importance in this day of high-priced mill feeds. |