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Show THE COUNTY FAIR A Splendid Exhibit of Stock and Some Interesting Races. 'Considering all thiols the Fair nt Fillmore held on the 2oth, 21st ami 22d proved a great success. From Ihe fuel that much space was left for exhibits from oilier towns, which failed to appear ap-pear and occupy the same, Ihe fruit and vegetable 'display was not us large as last year, although Fillmore exhibit ex-hibit was larger and would have Tilled the vacant space, hud they known that it would not be occupied with the pro .ducts of our mighuorlng towns, but we trust next year th it the fruit of Fillmore will have more competition for the blue ribbon, for we Iihvo a big idea that we can nilse as Rood fruit and vegetables as any town In the county, for that matter In the state, ;aiul the only way to change our minds " " fsT6"ow Vs next your. To mention all who competed for prizes In tho fruit and vegetable Him would require to much space, but we wish to say a good word for those who displayed some of the finest peaches and apples that can be grown anywhere, and any one who saw the exhibit will verify this statement. As tn Musk melons, if you had seen one brought from Mutton weighing over twenty pounds, raised by Mr. Nutih Stowe, you would sty like the others who saw It, that it was the largest they hud ever seen, and the flavor was there also. Corn, grapes und wheat grown without Irrigation Irri-gation was n revelation to those who have not yet. become converted to dry farming. One wutermelon raised on a dry farm by Mr. Joseph Fisher of y Meadow weighed 25Vj pounds. Judging Judg-ing from the size, quality and quantity, Fillmore can produce onions. In fact all other vegetables grown In the In- ter-mountain region. We feel proud of the display mnde In the fruit and vegetable line, and of those who showed us what a little ambition can make this gravelly soil produce. We wish to thank those who made such a splendid showing of fancy work, for It was of the best, mid shows how beautiful" beau-tiful" a home can be decorated by those skilled in this Hue; the works In oils, water colors, pastel and pencil sketches drew much attention and favorable comment. We wish to assure as-sure those -who work In art that strenuous stren-uous efforts will be made to have a building In which to display their work wh!re It can be shown to bettes advantage and kept free from dust and dirt. |