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Show WHEN CUPID WAS OFF DUTY Lover'e Bad Cold That Led to Moit Unfortunate Mlsunderetand- Ing With Girl. Sweet was the lass, low wti the gas; It waa the evening she expected him to put amine the big question. He did not look well. Something seemed to lie troubling him. He tried to say something, but the word stuck In hli throat, and the girl, noticing thin, turned the gas even lower. Suddenly be turned to her and cried, "I'm a dub!" "No." she said, fondly. "You don't appreciate youraelf aa well aa tome othera do, perbapa. Tee bee!" "Yea," be persisted alubbornly, "I'm a dub I" "No," aha maintained. "Yea," be almost shouted, "I'm a dub!" Sho was a aenalble girl, and ao, realizing real-izing that be ought to know beat, abe thanked hi in kindly for warning ber In time and banded hint bla bat. It was only after the door slammed behind be-hind him forever that abe realized the awful truth. He bad contracted a nasty cold, and what he had been trying to eay was, "I'm In love!" |