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Show IMaking Over Old or Sewing New Curtair iff 5- ty, ARE your curtains shrunken? Take heart . . . here's not oni but six ways of making them ove or of sewing new ones with lif fabric. The budget'll balance -if you reuse curtains. You'll be delighted at t smartness. Instructions 829 has dii tions for 6 curtains. Due to an unusually large demand current conditions, slightly more tim required in filling orders for a few of most popular pattern "numbers. Send your order to: Sewing Circle Needlecraft Dept. Box 3217 San Francisco 6, CaL Enclose 16 cents for Pattern. No.. Name Addres s FROM SNIFFLY, STUFFY DISTRESS DOUBLE-DUTY !V-Ti I NOSE DROPS WORKS J1 )k V FAST RIGHT WHERE 7L A TROUBLE iSt fff Instantly relief from head cold distress dis-tress starts to come when you put r little Va-tro-nol in each nostril. Als it helps prevent many colds frorr developing if used in time! Try it. Follow directions in package. ISEtSVA-,ra-f2l fSgH FEEL 0LD? f-gW BACK ACHE? brings quick relief foi muscle pains due to fatigue, exposure, Syl-jL cokls or overwork. Cod- $rzT taina methyl salicylate, ef- rTfiA fective paio-relievih.c jjjj1 Money-Back Guarantee f Made by McKesson t Robblns tfi For Sale by your drueglst KLwil rr"-; i P, r- TOMORROW ALRIGHT i 'l -VEGETABLE ISIDTOBIOOD TO GET MORE If your blood LACKS IRON! You Rirls and women who sufTPr so from simple anemia that you're pale. weak, "drained out" this mnv be due to lack of blood-iron. So try Lj-dta E. Ptnkham'p , TABLETS one of the best home wavs 9 to build up rod blood In such cases. Plnkham's Tablets aro one of the greatest great-est blood-iron tonics you can buy I At all drugstores. Worth frying! You find them announced in the columns of this paper by merchants o our community who do not foel thoy must keop the quality o their merchandise merchan-dise or their prices undor cover. It is safe to buy of the merchant mer-chant who ADVERTISES. |