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Show Utah Safety Council I Leader Announces Information Meeting G. Ernest Bourne, Utah Safety Council leader, announces that for the convenience of all persons and groups in this area interested, interest-ed, the Na'ional Association of State Safety Coordinators will conduct a meeting in Cedar Cit on Friday, Jan. 31. The meeting will be held in the courtroom of the City and County building at 10 a. m. The meeting here will be one of a special series of Information meetings on the 1958 summer safety emphasis program "Slow Down and Live." "The value of this program In the past," Mr. Bourne says, "has been clearly demonstrated by the fact that we have reduced traffic traf-fic fatalities during the summer travel period, .despite Increasing population and vehicular travel mileage. We are anticipa'ing therefore, Increased participation In the 1958 Slow Down and Live effort." Everyone lnteres'ed is Invited to attend the meeting Mr. Bourne says. |