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Show Virtuoso has Splendid Background on Reed Instruments, Much in Demand i Alfred Gallodoro, reed instru-ment instru-ment virtuoso, who will appear as soloist with the Cedar High School band on Friday, Jan. 31 at the College of Southern Utah auditorium, is at the peak of a career that Is amazing for an artist ar-tist still in his early forties. Himself a high school band, graduate hailing from New Or-leans, Or-leans, Gallodoro has recently ue-1 voted an Increasing amount of j his time to solo appearances with the high school, college and! university bands from coast to! coast. Starting his professional career ca-reer at 15, when he was selected for first chair clarinetist and saxophonist at the largest theatre thea-tre In New Orleans, Gallodoro quickly went on to featured berths with popular orchestras of the early 30s Isham Jones, Rudy Vallee, Nat Shilkret and finally with Paul Whi'man. After making a number of concert con-cert tours as saxophone an J clarinet soloist with Paul White, man, he joined NBC Symphony, where he played under Arturo Toscanlnl and Leopold Stokow-ski. Stokow-ski. He Is currently first saxophonist saxophon-ist for the ABC staff. In the interest in-terest of public relations. ABC has made it possible for him to accent concert appearances. Recently Re-cently these have included solo programs with symphony orches-tras orches-tras and bands In all parts of h's country and Canada. In fact, his appearance as soloist with the Royal Canadian Air Force band was so successful that he was engaged to present a special course of reed Instruments study at the Royal Conservatory of Music Mu-sic at Toronto. i In addiMon to the appearance of Gallodoro as guest soloist, the Cedar High School band, under the baton of Eugene Helland, has prepared several outstanding se-lee' se-lee' ions for the program. This is the third annual guest artist presenta'ion by the band and it will also serve as the midyear mid-year concert for the group. The band has been preparing for the event since the first of the year and the program promises to be a fine musical treat for the entire en-tire area. Tickets are on sale by members mem-bers of the band and ticket sals will be limited to slightly less than 1000. seating capacity of the auditorium. |