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Show Lanflscapejartleflii ALSO FURNISHING OF Shrubs, Evergreens, Koscn for Lawn decoration; Tomatoes, Cabbage, Cauliflower Caul-iflower plants for your home garden. AND DESIGNS FOR FUNERALS. Let mo take your orders for Ferns, Palm and other House Plants, and vegetables for your tables. Cash with all orders. GreenhbuBo at Floral Hill, Cedar City, Utah. j TPfOS. LAWRENCE, Proprietor.: NOTICE. A mooting of tho stockholders of the Shiro Horso company is culled for Saturday, March 18th, at 8 p. m., in tho Library auditorium, for tho pur-poso pur-poso of taking action to disposo of tho horse, by sale or trade, and get another. T. J. JONES, President. Home Economics Society to Meet. Tho regular meeting of tho Homo Economic society will be held in the Domestic Science kitchen of the B. A. C, Saturday, March 18, at 2:30. p, m.. as scheduled in the Year Book. All ladies are desired to be present. MRS. DEWEY THORLEY, President. The Price that Never Raises The war has turned'eonditions upside down. Many dyestuffs can not be had at any price. Wool is scarce, due to the orders or-ders placed in America for army blankets and soldiers' clothing. But $17 is the never-chang-price of BBBBBBBBiBaBjBWjd.-ti.jOJ.' BBgBgBgTpSP'-'' i The same price the vrorkl Nt? BBfBBlBTOgftfc y$i Stylcplus $J7 -jftt oLjr store alone. exceptional value at the price tjat never raises. Every suit is guaranteed to give wear and saticfaction. As many models as there are kinds of men. You get fitted, get pleased and you .pay several dollars less. The Golden Rule Store THE U S V STQRB. l j i ii mmmmimi ii'.ihb, i -y , , FOR SOLID COMFORT, QUALITY AND STYLE Coll at the SHEEP STORE and inspect our line of SHOES mi SLIPPERS Cedar Sheep Ass'n. &m aawHW mm mi if i imnn a ' iif iyrryw w i i iw wwm ! i nrMw 1 1 1 iiw FOR BRONCHITIS, WHOOPING COUGH, I CROUP, COUGHS AND COLDS I Make the Best Remedy at Home 128 Tcaspoonsf ul for 50 cents. If everything was sold in as liberal and fair a manner as tho buluvv named druggists drug-gists nro Belling Schiff matin's New Con ccntrated Expectorant, absolutely no causo for complaint or dissatisfaction could possibly arise from anyone. These druggists say "Buy a bottle of thin remedy rem-edy and try It for Bronchitis, Whooping Cough, Severe Cough, Croup or any Bronchial Affection, and wo will return your moy, just tho came ns wa do with Schiffmann's famous Asthmador, if it docs not give satisfaction, or if not found the best remedy ever used for any of these complaints." Why not talto advantage ad-vantage of this guarantee and try thl3 medicine, and get your money back, rather rath-er than buying another purely on tho exaggerated claims of its manufacturer or on the strength of tc3timoninla from others und run the chance of getting something worthless and also wasting your monc' In buying this remedy, besides securing secur-ing an absolute guarantee of its efficiency from these druggists, you also get about eight tinica as much medicine as you would in buying most any of the old-fashioned, old-fashioned, ready-made kinds, which average aver-age from 20 to 32 tcaspoonsful, because 50c worth makes a whole pint (128 tea-spoonsful) tea-spoonsful) when mixed at homo with ifc.W simply ono pint of sugar and one-half pint 'nP,r ' of water. This remedy positively does not contain chloroform, opium, morphine or any other narcotic. It is pleasant to take and children are fond of it. You will bo the solo judge, and under this positive guarantee absolutely no risk is run in buy- B ing this remedy. Druggists everywhere are authorized to sell it under tho same guarantee ns Schiffmann's famous Asthmador Asth-mador of "Money Back" if not perfectly satitsfactory. R. J. Schlffniann, Proprietor, Snint Paul, Minn. Guaranteed here by The Cedar City Drug Store. Oa.kla.nd ySflPSr "Sturdy as the Oak" NEr FOR A WONDERFUL SIX CYLINDER CAR. Model "32" possesses all of the essentials of the most tx 7 acting motor car service. There is power beyond all need. The j car is roomy, with wide seats and plenty of leg room. Long, , resilient springs and deep upholstery insure perfect riding comfort com-fort on any road. Co-operating with Oakland engineers is the largest and most i complete motor car manufacturing organization in tho world ' F an organization capable of giving the most complete expression to Oakland principles of design and refinements of construction; , and with a buying power tfiaj makes sure a minimum cosjt of ma- ) terials. ' & Puc fo this sijmp organization there is a unify of purposp E which guarantees that into every Oakland motor car there is an U inbuilt quality which makes the manufacturer proud to have , 'L, built the car, and the user proud to own it. W Let us give you an Oakland demonstration at your earliest vh h convenience. j r J. H. FIFE, Cedar City, Utah. s o r The Man of Means i If the wealthiest man in town owed you some mon- w. ey and you went to collect it, would he hand you the money, or woul he write you a check ? I 'f le chances are ten td one- you would receive a phock. WHy? Tcftiise the wealthiest people in the community keep their money in tfie' bankt They' fcnoTw it's safe there, and they know that when they pay by . t check there is never a chance to dispute the account If it's a good thing for the people who have plenty of money why wouldn't it be a good thing to follow their example ? We will be glad to open an account with you, L large or small. The size doesn't count. Small deposits are looked after as carefully as larger ones. BW OF SOUTHERH DTP. I CEDAR CITy - - - UTAH n iihujju . . . , , 'J for this country are those grown right here and fully acclimated. ac-climated. Place your orders now for JONATHAN, WOLF RIVER, MACKINTOSH RED ,HUB-BARDSON, ,HUB-BARDSON, WINE SAP, and other varieties of Apples. peliveries when you want them. IRON COUNTY NURSERY COMPANY RANDALL L. JONES, Mgr. imi,i i i r , miMn t I CHEVROLET II CIS W T The Utah-Idaho Motor Op. a.re u- ' ' loading a co.r of Chevrqlot motor prs today nt Lund nd will have tVem Re- ' fore the public very soon. These cars aro manufactured by n , t company thut has been marketing ? cars for twelve years and their output has been steadily, Increasing till this year they will build two hundred, b!x. ty thousand cars. This company is pretty well nropared to build a first- class car: thoy aro capitalized for eighty million dollars and could not afford to put out a car that is not up to the scratch in every detail. Tho car has thirty-five horso power nnd weighs but 1800 pounds. Get busy and set A. T. Jones, local manngor. -Adv. |