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Show I I Not a Bite of I Breakfast Until I You Drink Water H Says a glass of hot water and , H phosphato prevents Illness H and keeps us fit. H Just as coal, when it burns, leaves H bohlnd a certain amount of Incom- JH buBtlblo material in tho form of ashes, B bo tho food and drink taken day aftor H day leaves in tho allmontary canal a H cortaln amount of Indigestible mato- E rial, which 'If not completely ollmlnat- H cd from tho system each day, becomes H food for Uio millions of bactorla which H infest t'? bowels. From this mass of H loft-over wasto, toxins and ptomaine- H llko pojsons nro formed and sucked H Into tho blood. H Morirtind women who can't got fool- j ing right must; begin to tako insldo j baths. Doforo eating breakfast each j morning drink a' glass of real hot wa- H tor with a tcaspoonful of llmostono H phosphato ,ln it to wash out of tho H thirty feet otbowols tho previous day's j accumulation; poisons and toxins H and to keep 'tho entlro allmontary H canal clean, puro and fresh. H Thoso who nro subjoct to flick head- H acho, colds, blllousnoss, constipation, H others who wako up with bad tasto, H foul breath, backacho, rheumatic stiff H noss, or havo a sour, gassy stomach H aftor meals, aro urged to got a quarter H pound of llmostono phosphato from H any druggist or storekeeper, and bo H gin practicing Internal sanitation. j This will cost very llttlo, but Is gum H clont to mako anyono an enthusiast H on tho subjoct. H Romcmbor Insldo bathing is more H Important than outsido bathing, bo- H causo tho ekln pores do not absorb H Impurltios into tho blood, causing poor H health, whllo tho bowol pores do. H Just as soap and hot water cloanscs, H sweetons and froshons tho skin, bo Hj hot wator and llmcstono phosphato H act on tho stomach, liver kldnoys and H bowols. Adv. I IS GUILD GROSS, I FEVERISH. SIGK H Look, Mother! If tongue it L coated, give "California B Syrup of Figs." K? Children lovo this "fruit laxative," H and nothing elso cleanses the tender H atomach, liver and bowels bo nlcoly. H V A child simply will not Btop playing H to empty tho bowels, and tho result is H they become tightly clogged with H -wasto, liver gets sluggish, stomach H aours, then your llttlo ono becomes H cross, half-sick, feverish, don't eat, H Bleep or act naturally, breath Is bad, H system full of cold, has soro throat, H etomach-acho or diarrhoea. Listen, H Mother! See If tonguo Is coated, then H give a tcaspoonful of "California H Syrup of Figs," and in a few hours all H the constipated waste, sour bile and H undigested food passes out of tho sya- H torn, and you havo a well child again. H Millions of mothers giva "California H Syrup of Figs" becauso it Is porfectly H harmless; children love it, and It nev H er falls to act on tho stomach, liver H and bowels. H t Ask at the store for a 50-cont bottla H of "California Syrup of Figs," which H baa full directions for babies, children H of all ages and for grown-upB plainly H printed on the bottle. Adv. WHEN KIDNEYS ACT BAD TAKE GLASS OF SALTS H Eat Less Meat If Kidneys Hurt or You H Have Backache or Bladder Misery H Meat Forms Urlo Aold. H No man or woman who cats meat H regularly can mako a miatako by flush H lng tho kldnoys occasionally, says a H well-known authority. Meat forms H urlo acid which clogs tho kidnoy pores H so they sluggishly filter or strain only H part of tho wasto and poisons from H tho blood, then you get sick. Noarly H all rheumatism, headaches, liver trou- H bio, norvousness, constipation, dlzzl- Hj noss, sleeplessness, bladder disorders Hj s come from aluggUh kidneys. H Tho moment you feel a dull ache in H tho kidneys or your back hurts, or if H the urino is cloudy, offensive, full of H Bodimont, Irregular of passngo or at Hi tended by a Bensatlon of scalding, get H about four ounces of Jad Salts from H any reliable pharmacy and tako a N tablospoonful in a glass of water bo- Vflj foro breakfast for a fow dayB and your BB kidneys will then act flno. This fa Hj mous salts is mado from tho acid of IjK grapes and lemon julco, combined with jgW llthia and has boon usod for gehora MM tlons to flush clogged kldnoys and t$$ stimulate thorn to activity, also to nou- gJH tralizo Uio ncids in urino so it no Sb longor causes irritation, thus ending B9 bladdor disordors. HB Jad Salts Is inoxponslvo and cannot H injuro; makes a delightful efforves H cent Hthia-wator drink which all rog H ular meat oators should tako now fend H then to kcop tho kidneys clean and H tho blood puie', thereby avoiding sr H rious kidnoy complications. Adv. ' KIDNEY TROUBLE HOT RECDGHIZED An examining physician for one of the prominent Life Insurance Companies, in an interview of the subject, made the as toniihlng statement that one reason why so many applicants for insurance aro re jeeted is because kidney trouble is so common com-mon to the American people, and the large majority of thoso whose applications applica-tions arc declined do not even suspect that they havo the disease. According to this it would seem that ft medicine for the kidneys, possessing real healing and curative properties, would be a blessing to thousands. Dr. Kilmer's Bwamp-Ttoot, the well known kidney, HVcr and bladder remedy, is remarkably successful in sickness caused by kidney and bladder troubles. It is mild and gentle in its action and its healing influence in-fluence is soon noticed in most cases. There is no other remedy like Swamp-Hoot. Swamp-Hoot. It will sprcly and effectively overcome over-come kidney, liver and bladder troubles and you can depend upon it. Go to any drug store and get t bottle so as to start treatment today. You will soon see a marked improvement. ITowever, if you wish first to test this great preparation send ten cents to Dr. Kilmer & Co., Binghamton, N. Y., for . sample bottle. When writing be sure and mention this paper. Adr. 5 Dr. Tierce') Pellets are best for liver, bowels and stomach. One little Pellet for a laxative three for a cathartic Adv. Not Ornj nalrs but Tired Kje make ua look older than we are. Keep your Erea younff nnd you will look yountr. After the Movies Murine Tour Eyes. Don't tell your age. Murine Kyo Remedy Co., Chicago, Bends Eye Book on request. Why Hesitate To ipenci thirty dollars (or a watch that will lail a lifetime, when you spend that much (or a suit' ol clothes which wean out in a few months) We advocate better watches. We guarantee thos we sell. Get a good one. Our modest pricea-make pricea-make buying easy. BOYD PARK MAkERS OF JEWELRY M. 106 MAIN SIRIET SALT LAKE CITY TB""" I FARM MACHINERY Mr. Farmer: Your work in the Field is made easier and more effective by using the best Implements Imple-ments obtainable. Use Scotch Clipper Plows, Success Sulky Plows, Stat Disc Harrows, Thomas Grain Drills, And other Machinery aold by Utah Implement -Vehicle Company SALT LAKE CITY, UTAH We want your business and can save you money. Send for catalogue. WANTED Sn"e" rpreaintalive (or popular tin bw prjce(i western made well established complete line ot Concrete Mixers and Mnchlnery. Liberal commission; exclusive territory; Inquiries Inquir-ies rcterrcd. Address (rtn Machinery & AlnnulacUirlnq Co., Salt Lske Pity, Utah. |