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Show Good Prospect for Business. A young lawyor tolls this story on himself with a keen appreciation of Its humor: "A negro camo into my offlco recently re-cently nnd consulted with mo about gotting a dlvorco for his daughter, who was Uio oldest child. After ascertaining ascertain-ing from tho old negro tho grounds for a dlvorco ho asked mo what my charges would be. I told him, and ho Bald as follows: 'Mr. , you knows I's always givon you my business?' I told him 'Yes,' and I appreciated it. 'You knows I's alwayB going to give you my business, and Mary what wants this dlvorco Is my oldest chile, and fust and onllest ono married. This thing Is just startln', and I has cloven chlllun, nnd, of courso, you'll get them all, and couldn't you mako me a wholesalo prlco on them?" |