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Show J INTERESTS OF ENGLAND j Will Probably Ee Looked After In j Transvaal By United States. j Washington, Oct. 12. Bp to this af-' I lernoon there has been no change in j ; the isituatijn respecting 1he ITnited j j St:itos consuls in South Africa. The British government has not made the I I expected rrauest to have these olhcerS ' I look after British in uresis, and no in-i in-i struct ions on the subject have been isent to the consuls or consular agents, j Notwithstanding it is certain that our j government will undertake to do this I for the British government as soon as i the formal application is made. I It is surmised, however, that there ; are reasons of policy that make it ex-j 1 pod ion t. for Great Britain to refrain as I long as possible from making even such ' !a flight atanission of the independence I ! of the Transvaal as woufi be implied by a iv.juest of this character. London. Oct. 12. The colonial office announces officially that Mr. MaeCrum, the United States consul in Pretoria, wkh the consent of his government, has i taken charge of British interests in the Transvaal. I The afternoon papers express great j satisfaction that the American govern-Jmenf govern-Jmenf has undertaken to protect British j interests in the Transvaal. They say ; that the Americans are certain to show j the same tact in discharging- the re- sponsibilPy which arouses the enthusi- asm of "our kin beyond the sea," when I the British undertook a similar task in their behalf. |