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Show VERMONT WELCOMES DEIl j GREATEST DEMONSTRATION j EVER SEEN IN MONTPELIER. Thirty Thousand Visitors Join the Admiral's Fellow Townsmen In Extending a Greeting. Monlpelier, Vt., Oct. 12. The state of Vermont gave welcome to Admiral Dewey today with a parade and a reception re-ception at the slate house. The weather i was perfect and oO.OOO visitors joined j with the hero and townsmen in the cel-I cel-I ebration. Never before has there been j such a massing of people and so elab-! elab-! orate a demonstration in the history of Vermont. The town was handsome-I handsome-I ly decorated. j The celebration began at 9'ocloek by j the lirins: of an admiral's salute by the ! Norwich cadet::. Then a band concert! j took place. At noon the governor's pa-I 'lute was rir.ed, and immediately after ' noon the column, for the parade was S formed. j Admiral Dewey donned his uniform i of full admiral of the navy and with j the state and city committees entered ia landau and through the long line of j ! cheering: people was driven to the foot of State street, where a column of I about f.W men Were awaiting to participate par-ticipate in the parade. The Norwich university cadets formed a personal guard about Admiral Dewey's Dew-ey's carriage. The parade began at 2:C0 and the route, nearly three miles in length lay through streets lined with bunting and ilags. The cheering was continued and the admiral was kept busy during the entire lime in returning re-turning the greetings. Before the marchers reached the cap-itol cap-itol grounds the admiral's party left the carriages and ascended the state ! house reviewing stand. The procession jcoinmueo tnrougn tiv main streets and l up through the capital grounds, salutc.s j being given as each company passed : the admiral. I The parade was completed at 4 (o'clock, and when piietness had been I restored Governor Smith, turning tu j Admiral Dewey, extended to him the j welcome of the state of Vermont, at the I same time presenting to him the medal I w hich the state had enacted should be . given him as a memorial. Then the j mayor offered the welcome of t.fte city i and the formal exercises were at an I ' end. j The admiral was escorted back to his i car after a short reception at the state I ! house. ! ture of an eagle, holding in its talons an American Hag. painted in colors, and carrying a scroll, on which are inscribed in-scribed Dewey's words at the battle of Manila, May l, 1S9S: "Gridley, you may fire when ready." To Perpetuate Dewey Arch. New York, Oct. 12. The committee for the perpetuation of the Dewey victory vic-tory arch in marble received pledges of j JluO.000 toward carrying out the pur- j poie. |