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Show OTIEARA&CO., REAL ESTATE, LOANS AND MINING STOCKS. Re-discount and sell commercial paper, Rooms 41-4G O'Meara. block, . Salt Laka City, Utah. ' THE F. W. GARDINER CO. Printers, Paper Rulers and Blank Book Makers, .... 127 West Kirst South St.. SALT LAKE CITV. CTAIL I'rnmpt service, strictly first-class work at iv.isnnable prices. Special attention to mail orders. J. F. BKXXETT. W. J. BENNETT. Pres. and Mgr. See. and Treas. SEARS (iUS 5 PAINT (0., Impi.cieis iind Dealers in Paints, Oils, Brushes, Plate and Window Win-dow Glass. Manufacturers of Show Cases, Art and Stained Glass. Agents fur r.-Ti-v Bros". Varnishes and Heath & Million's Paints. West -First S-.iulh Street. Sail Lake City Utah. mmm Ftwmw. Is alwavs used in making the CHOICEST CAKES. Is for sale by All Grocers at 25 CENTS PER POUND. And manufactured only by the SALT-AIR SALT-AIR BAKI.VG POWDER CO.. SALT LAKE CITV, I TAIL S.urtple Sent Free. UTAH COAL. GASTLE GATE, SUNNYSIDE, WINTER QUARTERS, CLEAR CREEK, Lump, Nut and Slack. ANTHRACITE, all sizes; COKE, CHARCOAL, BLACKSMITH. P. V. COAL CO.. ?:; South Main Street. Telephone 423. D. J. SHARP, Agent. Established lSt. JosiitjIiPafk JEWfLEflS. 170 Main St.. S;dt Lake City. Utah. Sign of the Street Clock. Souvenirs- in Spoons and 'Novelties. Diamonds. Dia-monds. Steriini? SUverware. Fine American Amer-ican and Imported Waitches. Etc. F'ine Cairri'ages with We Informed Driven Driv-en for Tourists;. Light Livery and Saddllo Houses alt Reasonable Rates. SALT LAKE LIVERY and TRANSFFR COMPANY. Stylish Broughams and Coupes for Calling Samuel Paul, Manager. Telephone 211. IlIUilllKi (INCORPORATED.) The Family Liquor Store of the City. Agents for Schlitz Milwuakee Bottled Beer. Importers and Wholesale Dealers. Nos. 11 and. 13 East Second South. PeGoMekSGo. BANKERS. SALT LAKE CITY, UTAH. . ESTABLISHED 1S73. Transact a General Banking Business. DYNAMOS AND MOTORS, Telephones, Chandeliers, Electric Supplies. Intpr-iVfrninfafn Electric Comp'y 45 East First South Street, SALT LAKE CITY, - UTAH. UNITED STATES DEPOSITARY. The National Bank of the Republic. SALT LAKE CITY, UTAH. Capital PXMMO.OO Surplus and Undivided Profits 14.241.59 Deposits 773,4.31.53 OFFICERS. FRANK KNOX, GEO. A. LOWE, President. Vice Pres. ED. W. DUNCAN, Cashier. E. H. Airis, Pres. R. W. Nicot, Sec'y. SALT LAKE ELECTRIC SUPRLV (0. CONTRACTING ELECTRICIANS. Wholesale and Retail Electric Supplies. Eest Assorted Line of Electric Fixtures West of Chicago. Telephone No. 6. 13 W. 1st South St., Salt Lake City, Utah. ' ' COAL Diamond Coal & Coke Co. Diamond r..:ii. the only coal. Government Govern-ment t 2.11". Salt Like "fti.v. No. 121 S. Main. O'BRIEN BROS., Sole Agts. UNION ASSAY OFFICE :Z S. W.-st Tempi.- sr., s.ilt Lake' City, I't.iii. M. S. IIAXAI Ki:. .. i. Manager. Samples h.v Mail or Kxpr. Will Receive l'mnu't Alt. mi j,.t;. Analytical Work a Specialty. N Analyst's Math- el" lr.-.--. .! i :l.-ra is. Coal, Coki'. Mint ra! W.i I-It.j. Itff.r.n.-t s: Wtiis. !-'a f,.. y,,- Comtek & ".. T. II. J !' ,v .... i,ion. National Rank and r- National Hank. HAIR SWITCH FREE Ji ON EASY CONDITIONS. f x 1 Cut tiii.t ad. out anrl miii to tH. Stwl 'A J small sJimTde of voitr hfiir.fii telose to tH- i ft' V root. MtM.V MUSKY w nt:tk0t 1 '.J wntl vntt hvmail. ..sn.a.a filj HUMAN ; J HAIS SWITCH. " -al't. inane I I J jf incites' lonc i i ora s.-lct-tt-il taunmn h ir, I jA 2' ounces short sieoi. We wiil hx'toao Xi.. I in package with swit'-U iirti. M-iit postit4 i 7. I to return 1 1 to u If nt prf.Ttl.Y satlsfartorT. 'It' Ji but ii found et.irtly as reinvented and y 'J most extraordinary Taltie ;id vui iri-ti f to keep lt.filh'r ! o tl.iOI mill wltliin tiV' ,Jl 1" ils or .'KK UKIIKKS KIR 3 sit ITChl-i f T l-ii KAt ll anion your f ricuils arc! VaTA ("end to lis without nnr mom-T. netohciid r jf 1 tne ' switches to tliem direct by mail. ',!r . j to l paid for 10 davs after riccivcd if U I perfectly satisfactory. and too etiisiMiba.e v'-J .wltrh ws send y.m frrr ftirTuor '.rual.t.. "S. t fin rl PlTio, On;an, Srwlng Harhta'i, r-V t-" C Dlsut-n. Furniture, rttri, llinrl, F' JfH. 'Jt timrras ami othnr prpmlutn for laltinit fiJr,ifJ onlirs for Oor Switrhrs. Onr lsi!r'M-"i-l r titr Pisno icflftrm days, osrs s.wins; Waehini " Id 3 dais. Order Kwlti h at om-enr wrIteto.dayforFKKPIiMIltOr'FKi a-Wrr... Ladies' Hair Emporium, Chicago. T?5 The Only Line Running Through Cars to Portland. Butte. Missouri River. ClcU and St Louis, Without Change. TIME CARD IN EFFECT JUNE 25. Trains will arrive and depart at SalS LakB City Dally as foilowt: Arrive. c,m T-den, Chicago. Omaha, ot. Louis, Kansas City and Danver .... 3:30 sun. T?n?.sden- Portland.' S?okan. Joutte. lle.'ena and San Jfran- ?9co 8:33 a-rcu From Mllford. Sanoete. Provo and Intermediate points 9:35 a.r. From Osden, ChicaKo. Sc. Louis. Jtansas City. Omaha and Den- vex 3:03 p. m- Garfield Beach. Tooele and Term'nus 4:00 p.ra. Froia Tintic. Mercur'and intermediate inter-mediate points 6:.P p.m. preston. Lojran. Bngham. Ogden and infermeJ'ate points. 6:W p n From Ogrden. Eu-tte. San Francisco Fran-cisco and intermediate points.. 7:30 p.m. Depart. rL s den' Omaha, Chicago. Denver. Kansas City and St. 7:00 a-m. or Tintin n.r , ' diate points .... 7:30 a.m. cor Garfield Beach. Tooeie'and lerminus 7:13 a.n L Pden, Brigham, Logan, jrreston and intermediate points s ;yj . j. if 9ffde". ButteVHelena." Poftl 2doand San Francisco 9:45 a.m. ;rProv,- Sanpete, ililford and vlfl !ri!ledlaJL6 Ptdnts 5:30 p.m. n! ?su nh Denver, Kansas City. umaha. Si. Louis. Chicago and or Oirden, Butte and intermedi-a- points 8:1 p.m. alns south of Jui do not run Sua- "Daily except Sunday. m, , t Telephone No. 2S0. Ticket Office, Masoni? Block. No. 100 West rrr tt T,Aecond South Street. r?ItACROFT- Vice President an4 General Manager. D F mHvGneral Trafr'c Manager. Tiket Agents e? and Current I-AVE SALT LAKE CITY. No. 2 For Provo, Grand Junction Junc-tion and all points east 8:30 .m. No. 4 Fr Trovo. Grand Junction Junc-tion and al' ooints east 8:05 p.m. No. 6 For Bingham. Lehi. Provo Pro-vo , Heber, Alt. Pleasant. Alanti. Belknap and inie rmediate -2- sfor Lureka. I'avson. libber. lib-ber. Provo and intermediate points .-:,-),) p.ra- o. il or Ogdon ar.d west S:0 D.m. r Ob'den and west 9:45 a.m. Park City 8: a.m. xno. 9 tor Ogaen. intermediate and west Z:Z0 pia. ARRIVE SALT LAKE CITY. No. lFrom provo Grand Junc- xrl10? thf ea?!t 9:3 a.m. r 3From Provo, Grand Junction Junc-tion and the eaai. 8:05 p.m. .No. ;,frrorn provo. Heber, Kins-nam. Kins-nam. Eureka. IMknap, Alanti XTan'i intermediate points .r.:"i p m. ?roni Ogden and the west. 8:3) a.nu vt - vr r?m Ogden and tho west. 7:5 p.ra. J?rom Ogden ana intermediate inter-mediate points ;.. j;iODm. ?I ,7From Eureka. Paypon. Jie.ijer, Provo and intermediate . points too. a m. 14 - Fro"i Park City 6:15 p.m. -Verfect Dining Car Service. Ticket Office. 102 West Second Soufa. PosiofUce Corner. BS Tur nrAniff flli Fin LEAVE SALT LAKE CITY. "Tha Overland Limited," for Chicago, St. Paul, 2 Louis. Omaha. Kansas City. Denver.. f:00 .m "The Atlantic Express," for Chi- U cago, St. Louis. Omah. Kan- tas City and Denver 6:40 p.m. ARRIVE SALT LAKE CITY. "Th Overland Limited," from Chicago, St. Loulsv Omaha, Kansas Cltv. Denver 3:05 p.m. "The Paciflc Express," from Chicago. Chi-cago. St. Paul, St. Louis, Omaha. Oma-ha. Kan-ws City and Denver... 3.3J a.m. CIIY TICKET OFFiCE, 201 Main Street. Telephone No. 665. H. M. CLAY. Gen. Aent PROBATE AND GUARD- t IANSHIP N0TICE3 j Consult County Clerk or the Respectiva Signers for Further Information. I IN THK DISTRICT COURT. PRORATE! division, in and for Salt Lake county, state of Utah. In the matter of the estate of Julia A. Farren. tieeeased. Ntie The petition of Joseph Farren. administrator adminis-trator of the es-tat of Julia A. Farren. deceased, praying- for the settlement fir.-al account of ?aid administrator and for the distribution of the residue of saitO ; estate to. the persons- entitled, ha bei-a ; set for hearing on Saturday, the th day of October, A. D. ISM. at 9:30 o'clock- a m., at th county court hous. in thet court room of said court, in, Salt Laka I City, Sait Lake county, Utah. f Witness the clerk of said court. (Seal.) with the sal thereof affixrd. thi f 11th dav of Oetrler. A. I). WO. f DAVID r. DUNBAR, ( lrk. Rv GEO. E. BIIR. Deputy Clerk. AV. C. Hall, Attorney. . , r ' I |