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Show HOW WHITTIER RETALIATED. (Philadelphia Bulletin.) An esteemed member of the Society of rriends sends a copy of some impromptu hues written by John G. Whittier when he lived in this city 'and edited the ! reeman. They wero written for an album at the request of a young woman wom-an who boarded in the same house with him and who had been in the habit of bantering the young and sensitive poet with hpr lively sallies to his exceeding riiscornlitur?. The occasion of the text was her departure' from the boarding house. Thou art going hence. God bless thee! TTinn :irt pv.lnp- hencp farmrol!1 May the devil ne'er distress thee. May the wide world use thee well. Thou art going hence forever. And thou sheddest not a tear; 'Tis well.' for tears shall never Lament thy leaving here. Yet some will not forgot thee, A torment as thou art: And some will e'en regret thee Who do not weep to part. They will miss thy merry laughter, As the schoolboy does his rod. And the jokes which follow after Thy visiting abroad. Farewell! the Lord he with thee In thy future goings on. And the pious shun and fear thee As thy Quaker friend hath done! Thy life, may nothing vex it. Thy years be now a few. And at thy final exit. May the devil miss his due. |