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Show AMERICA CANNOT INTEHFERE. The State Department Replies to j Majiy Appeal3 Received, j i Washington. Oct. 32. The following; j ; statement v.a. issued by the state do- j parnntnt today: j ' I "The president has received a large I ! tmmber of petitions signed by many cil-' I izc-ns of distinction, reouesting- him to J v tencer the mediation if the I'nited , S States u set lie the differences existing; ' between the government of f treat i j Britain !i.nd that of the Tmns-j j I vatvl. lie has received oilui'i I peritiv.r. on the sam snlj-1 ject, .-;un;e of the desiring him to make I common cause with Grent Britain t" re- j I i dr-s the wrongs alleged to have been j j ; FarT'-red by the Out landers, and especi- j ally by Aioi ican citizens in the Trans-j , vaal, a: id others wishing him to assist i the Buei-s against alleged aggression. i "It is understood the president does I l r.ot think it cxjiedient to take action in J any d;reej.,D. To take sides with either p.nty to tie.' dispute is not to be thought of. As to mediation, the pres- ; Ide.-it has received no intimation from either the ecun tries that the niedia- ? t"nn of ihe United States would be accepted, ac-cepted, and in the absence of such inti- j ma: ion from both parties there is noth- I ! ins: in i ho rules of international usage r I t justify an offer of mediation in the pt'se;it circumstances. j "It is known the president sincerely i hojies and desires that hostilities may i ' be avoided, but if. unfortunately, they t: I' should come to pass, the efforts of this j j g'ovArnnient will be directed as they j Rrf; t present to seeing that neither j , our national interests, nor those of our j citizens, shall suffer unnecessary in- i 1 jury." ! |