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Show if j I HAVE OCCUPIED PHILIPSTOW23". j Tree State Eurghers Cross Orange j I River Into Cape Colony. J London, Oct. 12. The Free State i burghers, according to a private mes- 'age just received, have crossed the Orange river into Cape Colony and have j occupied philipstown. Their object, it j M'PPO.d. i? to cut the railway at 4 o,? r ju"ction. which is considered I Important strategic point. according t, a dispatch from Cape H i,, U ls appf;rted there that the Boers n arranS'ed with Chief Linch-We. a borr" chier of the northwestern I Britain take Up anns aS'ainl Great (.1 (,...(11":?at) from Mafeking. under to- ' J r,,'.,",,0",1'0, sa' that Colonel Baden- ! oveii has just sent a strong British, i ith Mafeking toward the border ; , , d "uns an1 anibulances, presumably pre-sumably with a view of oeeupving ad-antageous ad-antageous defensive high ground Dispatches from Durban. Natal, con- nrm the report that the Orange Fi-ee i State authorities seized the Natal train that was leaving Ladysmith vesterdnv morning for Harrismith. Thev also 1 ?,tJPPel a train due to leave Harrismith I in the afternoon. j All the rolling stock has been ordered I down the country out of reach of seiz-I seiz-I ure. It is understood telegraphic fotn-munreation. fotn-munreation. with the Transvaal ceased punctually at 5 o'clock yesterday afternoon af-ternoon (Transvaal time). |