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Show Hospital of the Holy Cross. Pefore St. Mary's Academy was completed, com-pleted, another institution, to bo conducted con-ducted by the Sisters, became a necessity, neces-sity, and that was a hospital for miners and smelter hands. Those who donated freely and liberally towards? the building build-ing of St. Mary's Academy, did so with the understanding that a hospital would be opened for the benefit of employees em-ployees who were leaded or hurt in the , ' smelters and mines. Early in September, Septem-ber, delegations waited on Father Scanlan, asking when the new SisteTS' Hospital was to be opened. He promised prom-ised that as soon as- preliminaries could be arranged and p-lnns matured! or conducting such am institution, he would apply for Sisters to rnriUict t hospital. The time he prayed for was not granted. It was now a just de-m?,nd. de-m?,nd. Pressed by two prominent mining min-ing men Fred Meyers, superintendent of the Flagstaff smelters near Sandy, and Marcus Daly, superintendent of Walker Bros.' mines on Lion hill and the Foarmam mine in Ophir. he was obliged to open a hospital at once. Ha sent a strong appeal to Very Rev. E. Sorin, showing the urgent necessity, of founding a hospital. His request was granted. Early in October, 1S75. Sisters Sis-ters M. Holy Cross and M. Bartholomew Bartholo-mew prepared to act asi Good Samaritans Samari-tans to the poor and sick and maimed, arrived in Salt Lake. On the 22nd of October, humbly, unostentatiously and full of the spirit of the Good Master, their work began in a rented building on Fifth East between South Temple and First South streets. It was called; the Hospital of the Holy Cross. Jn, this unpretentious abode their labor of love was ' pre-eminently successful. Their charity in behalf of suffering hu- j manity won for them from: a grateful 1 people the true title of angels of mercy 4 and real Sisters of Charity. No ap- 1 peal was unheeded; immediate wants alone were considered. To this , day 1 their names are sacred in every house- j hold as symbols of charity and mercy. f and their memories are enshrined like I the Good Samaritan irs the hearts of a j grateful necple. For seven, year? they 5 labored faithfully and successful ly. As a mark of their success the present beautiful hospital, with its spacious grounds, and without encumbrance when Sister Holy Cross resigned her J position as Superior, stand as a living monument. The ten-acre block was .. . I purchased in April. 1SS1. Ground for the new hcsr.it.al was broken t'.ie following fol-lowing month. The next year the Sisters, Sis-ters, with their patients, removed from the old to the new Hospital of the Holy-Cross. Holy-Cross. (To Be .Continued.) |