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Show HEAVY LOSSES IN WYOMING. Sheep Starving and Owners and Herders Herd-ers Suffer Terrible Privations. Cheyenne, Wyo. Authentic information infor-mation is to tho effect that tho losses among sheep on tho ranges of Wyoming Wyom-ing havo already been heavy, and unless un-less the weather moderates at onco will bo enormous. Entiro flocks will bo completely wiped out In some localities, local-ities, whllo they will bo g?batly decimated deci-mated In others. In tho Red desert sheep nro starving starv-ing and although owners havo had orders or-ders In for hay and corn for several weeks, tho orders havo not been filled. Reports from all parts of the stato tell of terriblo suffering among tho owners nnd herders as well as among tho stock Itself. Mnny owners nnd (lock tenders hnvo received frozen faces, feet and hands, while the number num-ber Buffering with snow blindness 1b I fiomcthlng' awful. |