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Show NERVED TO DESPERATION. College Boys Attempt to Rob a Bank at Kharkoff, Russia. Kharkoff. Even moro daring thnn tho robbery of the Credit Mutual bank at Moscow recently wns the attempt mado in broad daylight on Thursday to rob tho Volga Kommn bank by sov-oral sov-oral college boys and technological ptudents. Tho youthful desperadoes quietly walked Into tho bank with cits-tomers cits-tomers of tho Institution, drew revolvers revolv-ers nnd ordered everybody to hold up hands. Most of the employes fled in panic, but ono cool-headed clerk attracted at-tracted the attention of guards outsldo, out-sldo, who Immediately barred the entrances en-trances to tho bank. Tho students, finding thcmsolvos trapped, smashed tho windows, Jumped out to tho street and attempted to escape under cover of revolver flro. Ono pollccmnn wns mortally wounded. Four of tho would-bo would-bo robbers were overpowered and captured. |