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Show Band Concert and Dance. The concert aud dunce given by the Garland Military Hand at the Amuse ment Hall Monday evening, was a very pleasing and entertaining social affair It was given as a benefit party to Fred Rogers, a member of the bund, and Robert L. Wallace, both of whom leave for their respective missionary fields April Uth. Mr. Rogers will labor In Colorado and Mr. Wallace In the Kastern States. The attendance was quite large and all present, had an enjoyable time. The band Ixiys, in their attractive uniforms, uni-forms, gathered in front of the hall early In the evening and rende red a few open-air open-air selections. The concert liegan at 8:80. Following is the program of the evening: 1 Selection by Military Band. 2 r-rayar. Wm. Kin. 3 Trombone Solo, (piano accom.) Leslie Grover. 4 Remark 4. Bp. W. L. Grover. 5 Overture. Military Band. 6 Mandolin Solo, (piano accom.) Ben Clayton. 7 Whistlina Solo, (piano accompaniment) Miss EsUlla Kirkham. (Knchored) 8 Comet Soao.tpiano accum.) Prof Jos Kirkham 9 Selection. Military Band. Mrs. Jos. Wins was on the proa rem for a v...-! solo, but the accompanist. Mrs. Rose, was unable to attend, and this number was omitted. After the concert the crowd all joined in the dauce, the band furnishing the musi'- the fore part of the evening and I the orchestra taking the stand later while J the band boys tripped the light fantastic mingling in the jolly enwd. Duriugthe progress ol the dance speeches were made by Messrs. Rogers and Wallace thanking all present for the good feeling muni fasted and expressing their desires to till a mission in honor. Hp. (trover announced that 179.50 had been collected and would be divided equally and presented to the young missionaries. We wish them God -speed on their journey, a pleasant mission ami a safe return. We do not want to oil rlook the band. We are proud of our baud boys ami feel to encourage them in their work. Garland has a good bund. Let us work hard to keep the organl.al ion together. In the departure of Mr. Rogers the band sustains sus-tains the loss of a faithful bass drummer. The members of the baud and the boys at the fan ory also gave Mr. Rogers a purse of about 4o, showing their love aud appreciation of hi-, past servicer. |