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Show "' jl' v NEWS SUMMARY v Tho Ohio leBlglnturo lias repealed the Inheritance tax Inw. Flro consumed eleven stores in tha henrt of I'nylorvllle, Intl., and caused a loss of about $360,000. Flro at Johnstown, Pa., destroyed half a dozen business houses and ono fireman wan fntully Injured. Jean naptlsto Millet, the artist, brother of Jean Francis Millet, tho famous painter, is dead in Paris. Two dynamite explosions In different differ-ent parts of Now York killed ono mnn and Injured nine, three seriously. Tho peasants at Varonczh, HtiBsIn, are rising as a protest against the manner man-ner In which the famine relief is being dlstrubtcd. Llcenslado Cleto Gonzales Vlqucz, formerly minister of finance, has been elected president of the republic of Costa Rica. Tho workmen In tho Prcsencla and Lofort districts of Hussla have pronounced pro-nounced against a general strike before be-fore Easter. C. M. Hatch's store, llrldgcport, Conn., in which Is located tho post office, was robbed of $5,000 in money and stamps. Daniel P. Spiers, a well-known ox-slave, ox-slave, who purchased his freedom In 1851, for fGOO, died at East Liverpool, 0., last week, aged 103 ytfars. Tho revolutionists at Warsaw have announced their Intention to dcclaro a general strike In order to prevent tho government from contracting a now loan. Tho dispatch of Hussion troops to Finland Is producing disquietude. It Is feared that the authorities at St. Pe tersburg intend to supercedo Governor-General Governor-General Hard. Many threats have been mndo against tho life of Premier Wlttc. On Tuesday ho received warning that unless un-less ho left the government In a week ho would bo killed. Charles Secrest, tho policeman who shot and killed Thomas Johnson In tho Cottage bar In Denver on February K last, was found guilty of murder In tho second degree. A negro known ns "Cotton" was lynched near Oak Grovo station, Florida, Flor-ida, within an hour after ho Is alleged to have atempted criminally to assault a young white woman. Tho" Sankoy bill, providing for a U-cent U-cent railroad faro In Iowa, was killed In tho house. Statistics wcro presented to prove that tho 3-ccnt faro only paid expenses on Iowa roads. St. Paul put on its holiday attlro on the 31st In honor of Its fiftieth anniversary anni-versary as a municipality and celebrated cele-brated with parades of bands, military mili-tary and civic organizations, President Kelso of Chile has signed a decree authorizing a loan of $12,500,-000 $12,500,-000 from a German financial houso for the construction of n railroad from Arlcu, Chile, to l,upaz, llollvla. Willis j. Moore, chief of the weather bureau at Washington, announced nt the dinner of the Maritime association that the weather bureau might soon issue is-sue forecasts of a whole month. Mrs. Mary C. Wallaco of Denver was fatally Injured in the public elevator ele-vator In tho senate wing of the cap-Itol cap-Itol at Washington by attempting tT lenvo tho car while It wob In motion. Prince Eugene Troubotskoy, leader of tho moderates, who refused to ac copt the portfolio of education In tho Witto cabinet, has been elected a delegate del-egate to tho provincial congress. He wns elected by tho land owners. It Is positively' known that Leonard Heck, Frederick Nlcloy and Wilfred Diickhut, thrco young men who left Qulncy, III., for McCloud, Cal wero killed In tho wreck nt Adobe, Colo, Tho bodies' wcro completely Incinerated. Inciner-ated. Tho Hottentots In German Southwest South-west Africa have surprised a German detachment consisting of an ofllcei nnd sixteen men. Tho officer ani' thrco mon wore killed, four men wero wounded, ono man Is missing and one man escaped, William Welch, who Is said to bo tho oldest surviving member of tho Pnlon army in tho Civil war, and the oldest member of tho Masonic order In America, celebrated his ono hun. drod and sixth birthday at I.emster, N 11., on tho 20th. The village, of Muclhclm, near Co-blenz, Co-blenz, Germany, Is thcatened with destruction de-struction by a hill which has been gradually slipping Into tho valloy for several days. Up to this time 15) houses havo been damaged and 300 persons rendered homoless, It is understood that as a result of conferences at Vienna between Emperor Em-peror Francis Joseph and tho Hungarian Hunga-rian cabinet ministers. It was decided to postpono tho elections for n fow months, when tho government hopes to bo nblo to obtain an effective ma-' ma-' Jorlty. A nogro prisoner nt Corslcana, Tex,, sot fire to his cell In an effort to escape es-cape Tho flames got boyond control, and boforo tho prisoners could bo removed re-moved four wero burned to death and a fifth wns fatally Injured. Tho negro who started fho flro was among the lcUmB. |