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Show 1 UTAH STATE NEWS H) I I i , , B1 A liorso fair Is to bo held at I'rovo, April 10. It Is rumored that u stnrch factory Is to bo erected tit Onrllcld In tho near B Tho Utah Dcckccpcrs' association H; will hold Its annual spring convention M' In Salt 1-nko City on April 0. Miss Gcrtrudo lnkc, a stcnoRraphcr, H' committed sulcldo In Snlt Lnko, taking carbolic acid. It Is hclleved she was Mrs. Rfllo Rlnchcd died In Salt Lnko City last week from mmtllpox, she hnv lng contracted tho dlscuso from hor son, who hns recovered. H' Mrs. John Moycs of Plain City had a narrow cscnpo from death In a run away accident In Ogdcn. Slio was painfully but not seriously wounded. Tho Iron moulders of Salt Lako City havo gono out on a strike. Soventy five skilled mechanics and about 125 helpers aro affected by tho proceed lng. Tho senate hns confirmed tho nom Inatlons of F. D. Hobbs nnd D. 11. Thompson as register and receiver, respectively, of tho Salt Lako land of- Tho Gold Mountain country, both tho Marysvalo nnd Klmbcrly sections, has beon visited by numerous snowelidcs this winter, moro than has over been known before. Henry 13. Stcclo and Thomas A. Hod H, gers of Ogdcn aro tho patentees of a dovlco for tho protection of freight cars 1 Hi In transit nnd to prevent tho stealing of freight from cars. ,Fred M. Hill of Salt Lako City has H' been named by Stnto Superintendent 1 Nelson for ono of the freo $1000 schol- arehlps In tho Oread Instltuto of Mary land, awarded to Utah. B Thero havo been sovcral lnrge snow slides around Mt. Bnldy on tho Marys fli valo nnd Gold Mountain side, drifts Hs covorlng tho mountain nil the way , i from twenty to fifty feet, f Jess Thomas, colored, who shot j and killed Harry Wilson, also colored, In a fcaloon row In Salt Lako City last h! October, has been acquitted, tho jury deciding ho shot In self defenso. I Ht Cyrus Dallln, tho famous Boston sculptor, who Is a nattvo of Utah, has Mi', Just received tho gold medal which was awarded him at the St. Louis fair Hfi for tho most characteristic group of American sculptors. flf William Ross, a colored' roan lncar ccratcd In tho Salt Lako county jail, was caught whllo attempting to escapo ono night last week. Ho had succeed- ,: ed In sawing through the bars of hla t; cell window when discovered by tho jailor. At a mass mcotlng of tho citizens ' of Manti It was determined to submit fl tho proposition of municipal owner- ship of tho electric light plant to tho citizens at nn election to bo ordered F by the city council within tho next few weeks. I j From tho tests just completed by H 1 State and City Chemist Herman Harms It Is shown that tho manufnc ' turers of adultoratcd food stuff aro complying with tho law and aro mark H lng their productions "Artificial" across tho label. ' Tho farmers, stockralscrs, poultry fanciers and others, In numbers sufll . cient to almost fill tho mcotlng houso, Hj ,ti assembled ono evening last week at H J tho first Farmers' Instltuto meetluR H j, ever held In Kaysvlllo and listened to 4 instructive lectures. H Two passenger cars on tho Cacho H j vnlloy express, known as No. 12, on the Hvl Oregon Short Lino, running between Logon nnd Salt Lake, were derailed Hit near Mondon, delaying all tralllc for Hp several hours. As tho train was not I,.'' running fast, no ono was Injured. HI' Peter Caldo, an Italian, suicided at H Morcur by Jumping down a 100-foot H shaft. Ho had become estranged H- from his wifo, with whom ho had frc H, (juently quarreled, and Is tho man who Ij, on ono occasion was publicly whipped lh by somo of tho women of tho town. Hp A young daughtur of Niels C. Jen Ht sen of Tllchflcld attempted to swallow a HCi coffee boan a fow day a ngo, whou It H became lodged in tho w mdplpo, and tho llttlo ono camo neai choking to death, Hit a physician arriving and removing tho obstruction Just In thn nick of time. |