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Show Gov. Dale's Small Potatoes. Hx-Gnv. George N. Dalo of Island Pond, Vt.. had nn account ngnlnst a Frenchman nnnird Felix, for whom he lmd rendered some legnl service. Tho account hnd run n long time. Felix, mooting the governor ono day on the Ktrcct, dunned himself In tho following follow-ing mnnner: "Meo.stor Guvnor, I owes you beeg bill. When I dig mnr por-laters por-laters nex' fall, bar gar, I pay you," Late In tho fall tho governor wns riding In tho neighborhood of Felix' bonus and again met hlni. Stopping his horse, tho governo. said, "Fg!.:.;, how about tho potntles?" "Bar gar, Guvnor, those portntors dond turn out so bceg's you 'spected. bar darn sight." |