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Show I; Dr.Piercc's Favorite Prescriptian I . (s a poworful, Invigorating tonic, Impart-' Impart-' - tag lioalth and strength In particular i to tlio orpans distinctly fcmlmnn. Tho i local, womanly health Is so Intlmatoly i related to tlio goneral health that when i diseases of tlio dollcato womanly organs J aro cured tlio wholo body tains in lioalth J tnd strength. For weak and sickly I women who nro "worn-out," "run-down" i or dobllltntcd, especially for womou who work In atom, ofllco or schoolroom, who lit at tlio typewriter or sowing maolilno, I or bear heavy housohold burdens, and for nursing mothers, Dr. I'lerco's Favorite Proscription has proven n priceless I bonoflt becanso of Its health-restoring i , and strength-giving powors. j As u soothing mid strengthening ncr-Ij ncr-Ij vino, "Kavorlto Proscription" Is un-I; un-I; i equaled unJ 's lnraltiablu In allaying and I: ! subduing nervous oxcllablllty, lrrl'.abll- try, nervous exhaustion, nervous prostra-I; prostra-I; Hon, nuurnlgl.i, hysteria, spasms, chorea, I' orSt. Vlttis's danco, and other distressing 1 1 nervous symptoms commonly nttomlant II upon functional and oiyanlo diseasn of I tho womanly organs. It induces refresh-I'. refresh-I'. lug sleep and relieves mental anxiety and I dnspondonoy. I Curos obstlnnto cases. "Favorlto Pro-li Pro-li acrlptlou" Is a ikwIHvo euro for tlio most li complicated und obstlnnto cases of "foil "fo-il male weakness," p.iluful erlods, irrrgu-l irrrgu-l larltlcs, prolapsus or falling of tho polvlo 1 1 organs, weak b.iek, bcarlng-dnwu sensn-I sensn-I tloim, chroulo congestion, iullammatlon I' and ulceration. I, Dr. Pleivo's medicines nro mado from I' harmless but efllcleut medical roots founil growing in our American forests. M, i Tho Indians know of tlio marvelous cunt- ttvovaluoof soino of tlicno roots und hull hu-ll parted that knowledge to some of tho friendlier whites, and gradually somo o( tho moro progressive physicians camo to tost and uso them, and over slnco tliey I hnvo grown In favor by reason of their superior curative virtues and their safe and harmless qualities. Your druggists sell tho "Favomtb Pur- roiiiition" and also that famous altera tlvo, blood purifier and stomach tonic, t lie "Golden Muihoai. Discoveiiy." Write ' to Dr. Pierce nbout your case. a Is an experienced physician and will treat yout i caso as confidential and without charge for correspondence. Address lilm nt the Invalids' Hotel and Surgical Institute, ) Iluffalo, N. Y,, of which ho Is chief eu- suiting phvslelan. I Important to Mothers. Exrunlr.0 carefully crcry bottle of CASTOIUA, a nfo and euro remedy for Infants and children, and tee that it Bfeaaturoof fu&kC la Deo i'ot Over 30 Ycara. Tlio Uttul You IUto Always Bought, I In a Pinch, Uio ALLEN'S FOOT-EASE. A powder. It cures painful, smarting, smart-ing, nervous foot and Ingrowing nails. It's tho greatest comfort discovery of tho ago. Mnltcs now shoos oasy. A cortaln curo for sweating feet. Sold by all druggists, 25c. Trial package, FREE. Address A. S. Olmsted, Lo no: . n. y. USK Till FAMOUS Red Cross Hall Illue. Large 2-oz. pneksae 8 ocnti. Tbc Kuss Company, South IlcnJ, Ind. Everybody get ready for Spring Conferenco. Everybody get ready for Spring Conforcnco. If you go to Conference bo sure nnd uso tho Salt Lake Route. and says "I can't quit" you will havo discovered ono of tho slaves of tho coffco cof-fco Importer. Treat nuch kindly, for thoy seem absolutely poworloss to stop tho gradual but suro destruction of body and health. Nature has a way of destroying a part of tho peoplo to mako room for tho stronger. It Is tho old law of "tho survival of tho fittest" nt work, and tlin victims aro many. Wo repeat tho assertion that coffco dooa harm many peoplo. not nil, but an army largo enough to appal tho Investigator In-vestigator and senrchor for facta. Tho next prevarlcntlon of tho coffco Importers and roasters Is tholr Btato-ment Btato-ment that Postum Food Coffco Is mado ot roasted peas, beans or corn, nnd mixed with a low grado of coffco nud that It contains no nourishment. Wo hnvo previously offered to wager $100,000.00 with them thnt their statements state-ments aro absolutely false They havo not accoptcil our wager nnd they will not. Wo will gladly mnko n present of $g5.0im.0Q to nny r.inpter or Importer of old-fashioned cofleo who will accept that wager. Froo Inspection of our fnctorlesand mothods Is mado by thousands of peoplo peo-plo each month nnd tho coffco Importers Import-ers themselves nre cordially Invited. Both Postum nnd Grape-Nuts nro absolutely abso-lutely pure and mado exactly as stated. Tho formula of Postum and tho nn-alysls nn-alysls mado by ono of tho foremost chemists of Boston has been printed on ovory pnekago for many years and Is absolutely accurate. Now as to tho food vnluo of Postum. It contains tho parts ot tho wheat berry ber-ry which carry tho olementnl salts, such as lime, Iron, potash, silica, etc., etc., used by tho llfo forces to rebuild tho cellular tissue, nnd this Is particularly particu-larly truo of tho phosphato of potash, also founil In Ornps-Nuts, which combines com-bines In tho humnn body with nlbu-mon nlbu-mon and this combination, togother with water, rebuilds tho worn-out gray mntter In tho dollcnto ncrvo ccntors all over the body and throughout tho brain and solar plexus. Ordinary coffeo stimulates In nn unnatural un-natural way, but with many peoplo It slowly and surely destroys nnd does not rebuild this gray substnnco so vitally Important to tho well being ot every human being. These are eternal facts, proven, well authenticated and known to every properly educated physician, chemist and food expert A COLD BROUGHT IT ON. Severe Congestion of the Kidneys Soon Cured by Doan's Kidney Pills. BBH Richard M. Pearce, a prominent business man of 231 So. Orange St., Newark, N. J., says: "Working nights during bad weather brought on a heavy BBVJ cold, aching of the BBVJ limbs and pain In tho HBVj back and kidneys. BBB Scvcro congestion of BHHJ tho kidneys followed. ' ' BBBV Besides tho terrific BBBf aching there were BBBB whirling headaches, BBBB and I became oxceed- BBB Ingly weak. My doc- BBH tor could not help me, nnd I turned BBb to Doan's Kidney PIlLs, with the re- BBl suit that the kidney congestion ills- BH appeared and, with It, all tho othor BH symptoms. What Is more, the curo BBJ has lasted for eight years." BH Sold by all dealers. 60 cents a box. Foster-Mllhii'n rn . nnffnln. N. Y. BBj The Coffee Debate. II Tho published statements of a number num-ber of coffco Importers nnd roasters ludlcato a "waspy" feollng towards us for daring to say that coffco Is harmful harm-ful to a porcontago of tho pcoplo. A frank public discussion of tho sub-Joct sub-Joct Is qulto agrccablo to us and can certainly do no harm; on tho contrary when nil tho facts on both sides of any question aro spread boforo tho pcoplo they can thereupon dccldo and act Intelligently. In-telligently. Olvo tho peoplo plain facts nnd thoy will tnko enro of themselves. Wo domond facts In this coffco discussion dis-cussion and proposo to sco that tho facts nro brought clearly before tho people. A number of coffco Importers nnd roasters havo Joined a movement to boom coffco nnd stop tho uso of Pos-turn Pos-turn Food Coffco nnd In their nowspa-per nowspa-per statements undortako to dccclvo by falso nssortlons. Their first Is that coffco Is not hnrmful. hnrm-ful. Wo assort that ono In every throo coffco users has some form of Incipient Incipi-ent or chronic dlscaso; rcallzo for cno moment what a terrlhlo mennco to n nation of civilized pcoplo, when ono kind of bevcrngo cripples tho energies and hoalth of ono-thlrd tho peoplo who uso It. Wo mako tho nBsertlon ndvlaedly and sugRost that tho reader Bocuro his own proof by personal Inquiry among coffco users. Ask your coffee drinking friends If thoy koop freo from any sort of nches and nils. You will bo startled nt tlio porcontago nnd will very naturally sook to placo tho causo of disorder on something nsldo from coffco, whothor food, Inherited tondoncle3 or something some-thing olso. Qo deonrr In your search for facts. If your friend admits occasional neuralgia, neu-ralgia, rhoumatUm, heart weakness, stomach or bowel trouble, kldnoy complaint, com-plaint, weak oyeo or nppronchlng nervous nerv-ous prostration Induce hlra or hor to make the experiment of leaving off coffee for 10 days and using; Fostum Food Coffee, nnd observo tie rosulL It will startle -you and glvo your friend something to think or. Of courao, If the parson Is one ot tho weak onej Plcaso remember we never say or- I dlnary coffeo hurts everyone B Some pcoplo uso It regularly and H seem strong enough to withstand its H attacks, but thoro Is misery and dls- caso In storo for tho man or woman H who porsists In Its uso when nature BL protests, by heart weakness, stomach H and bowel troubles, kidney dlscaso, H weak eyes or general nervous prostra- H tlon. Tho remedy Is obvious. Tho Hfl drug caffeine, contained In nil ordinary HJ coffee, must bo discontinued absolute- BB ly or tho dlscaso will contlnuo Insplto flfl of any medlclno and will grow worse 1 HI It Is easy to lcavo off tho old-rash- : BJ lonod coffeo by adopting Postum Food WM Coffee, for In It ono finds a pleasing it III hot breakfast or dinner bovorngo that fll has tho deep seal brown color, chang- ( Hi lng to a rich golden brown when good II cream Is ndded. When boiled long II enough (1G minutes) Jho flavor Is not Ml that of rank Rio coffco but vory llko II tho milder, smooth ami hlgh-grado II Java, but entirely lacking tho drug II effect of ordinary coffeo. II Anyono suffering from disorders set II up by coffco drinking (and thero Is an ill cxtenslvo vnrlcty) can absolutely do- 1 Ifl pend upon somo measure of relief by I II quitting coffco nnd using Postum Food II Coffee. B If tho dlscaso haB not becomo too, I strongly rooted, ono can with good rea-; I son oxpect it to disappear entirely In fl a reasonable tlmo nfter tho tictlvo I cnuso of tho troublo Is removed nnd I tho cellular tlssuo has tlmo to natural- , I ly rebuild with tho elements furnished I by Postum and good food. H It's only Just plain old common I same. BJ Now, with tho exact facts boforo tho I reader, ho or bIio can decldo tho wlso 1 courso, looking to health and tho f power to do things. 11 If you havo nny doubt ns to tho j causo of any acho or all you may havo, J romembor tho far-reaching tolegramB , of a hurt nervous system travol from ( V j heel to head, and It mny bo well worth 1 1 your whllo to mako tho oxporlmont of leaving oft coffco entirely for ton days, and using Postum In Its placo. You will probably gnther somo good solid facts, worth moro tlinu a gold mlno, for health can mako gold and sickness loso It. Besides there's nil the fun, for It's like a "continuous Internal In-ternal frollo to bo porfoctly woll. Thoro'a a reason for POSTUM rottam Crl Co., Ltd., DUU CrttX Mtok |