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Show Married in Farmington. M Virginia Houti Becomss lh Wife of G. W. Green. i The announcement of the marriage of fi George W. Oreen of Garland , and Miss H Virginia Houtr. of Ogden at Farminiflon U on April 2nd was the occasion of no little K surprise to their acquaintance in this SI city. When member of the family of PP Mia Un it were questioned in regard to v?' the announcement, they replied that they could not say a., to ila correctness since the young couple nut by appointment appoint-ment at Salt Lake City Monday and had not yet returned. Mi Houtx ia the daughter of Mr. and Mr. John B Hotitz. of No. 681 Twenty alxtb street, and is highly esteemed in this city .Morning Examiner, Ogdeu. The ahnve article Is correct with the sr-cepiiouof sr-cepiiouof the date. Mr. and Mr.- Green were married Saturday , March II . Dr Green rturnd to tbi city Tburhday and Mrs Green is visiting with bar parents id Ogden lor s few dsys. They will make this city their home. We ex tend congratulations. |