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Show Volume VI, Issue VI THE OGDEN VALLEY NEWS Page 19 July 1, 2002 Vacation Bible School with Fellowship Bible Church The members at Fellowship Bible Church would like to express their and temptations to do wrong. God wants to be our guide through life and show us the right way. Possum Pete shared lessons on obedience and faith. Many thanks to the 12 adults and teens who helped. Next year the folks at Fellowship hope to hold Vacation Bible School in their own church building on Highway 162 in Liberty. We hope your children will join us there! Valley Women Learn How to “Tame Their Triangles” In May, a group of ladies, known as the “Piece of Mind Quilt Guild,” met at the Ogden Valley Making the pieces fit together. Branch library to learn how to tame their triangles. Scripture memory class. thanks to all the children and parents in the Valley who helped Vacation Bible School to be such a success again this year! The children enjoyed singing, games, crafts, Bible Stories, a contest with prizes, and two visits by “Possum Pete” and his friend Tom Gearhart from BBN radio in Ogden. Palm trees and a grass hut enhanced the jungle theme, emphasizing that life can be a jungle with many dangers Robyn Orchard of Bountiful came as the Weber Area representative of the Utah Quilt Guild, and shared many time saving and helpful techniques. Therewas a lot of admiration going around as members shared their latest projects. The Piece of Mind Quilt Guild usually meets at 6:30 p.m. on the fourth Thursday of the month at the Ogden Valley Library. Their next meeting will be Thursday, June 27. Membership is open to everyone, no experience needed. For more information, call Lisa Olson at 745-1214. “Possum Pete” and his friend Tom Gearhart from BBN radio in Ogden visits the children. “Piece of Mind Quilt Guild” share time-saving techniques. Visitors Always Welcome Liberty Park 3500 E 4100 N Liberty (Upper Ogden Valley) July 4th Come Honor Blue Stone! World Champion Bull Rider 2001 Olympic Gold Medal Bull Rider 2002 Playing games at Vacation Bible School. Looks like fun! Help Control Dyers Woad Now! 1. Pull it, 2. Spray it, 3. Cut it, 4. But, PLEASE, don't let it continue to spread! Why? 1. It's an invader, not native. 2. You have neighbors and friends. 3. We all have landscapes. 4. The Valley is beautiful with its natural flora. 5. Dyers Woad is one of Utah's most wanted noxious weeds. 6. It's unlawful to allow it to grow out of control. Without your help, it will continue to spread… 1. Each flower produces 100's of seeds. 2. The tap root robs the soil of water and nutrients, and sends natural flora and your landscape - into submission. 3. Once the seeds have turned brown to black, they are ripe and ready to fall or blow into the wind to another location. 4. See these links for more information: a. http://utahweeds.tripod.com/woad.html b. http://www.rules.state.ut.us/publicat/code/r068/r068-009.htm c. http://www.lnt.org/Newsletter/Weeds.html 7:30 8:00 Breakfast $4 per person $20 family of 6 Flag Ceremony Morning Pony Express Race - Cheer your favorite "mail" riders as they compete for the first annual trophy. 10:00 Parade - Prizes! Be Creative and join the fun! Wear a costume. Walk or ride bikes, buggies, wagons, horses & family floats. 10:30 Baby Contest - Gifts for all. Fee $5 10:30 - 3:00 Games in the Park Mutton Bustin, Red Ribbon Pull, Stick Horse Derby, Sawdust Find, Chicken Catch, Greased Pig Chase, Fish Catch, Couples Wheelbarrow Race 11:00 Volleyball Tournament 1:00 Arm Wrestling 1:30 Pet Show - Fee $1 Afternoon Fun and Games Gunni Sack Race, Pie-eating Contest, Watermelon Eating Contest, Egg Toss, Tug-0-War & more! 2:00 - 6:00 Jackpot - Prizes like never before! Registration 1:00 Participants should arrive as early as possible in order to have their horses ready Fee: $2 per event per rider Barrels, Poles, Keyhole, Licorice Race, Team Potato Race, Team Water Race, Hide Race 6:00 Cow Pie Contest - Fee $5 Prize $150 6:00 Dancing and Singing |