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Show November 18, 1982 UINTAII IIASI.VMn.Tiri.B LISTING SECTIONA'GIVSPKI.t Rifle Basin Nickel Ads Missing Gills? Can't Afford Multiple Listing Section Full-Tim- e FEATHER YOUR NEST Secretory? Dizz Let The Answer Answering Service take your colls 24 hours Is Your Key To Smart Home Buying!! a day. 'People answering People" 1 1 Copies: We also provide an economical copy service. 104 to 154 each depending on quantity. Duchesne 736-206- 3 Roosevelt 722-246- 0 134 Ear 300 So. faowwir Vernal 709-613- 2 709-013- 0 0 The speeches are finished; the debates are over; the campaign rhetoric is history; and the ballots are counted. Only one thing is left unsaid: insulaWhen you invest in properly-installe- d tion for your home, you reap two benefits: greater comfort and less energy consumption. Insulation, along with caulking and weatherstripping, will increase your comfort by helping to maintain uniform temper- atures throughout your house. It also acts as a sound barrier by reducing outside noise. home will use less energy and therefore save you money year after year, insulated homes are also more desirable and worth more in the resale market because of their energy-savinfeatures. A well-insulat- ed g Investments in insulation are often called e meaning that they pay a over return a reasonable period of greater time in energy savings. And most such payback calculations are conservative because they do not take into account the rising price of all fuels. - "cost-effectiv- If an energy audit by your local utility determines that your home could use addi- tional insulation you would be smart to "feather your nest" now Senator Moon lake ELECTRIC ASSN. I Paid for by Hatch Election Committee, Mike Leavitt Chairman ROOSEVELT West Hiway 40 WESTERN LAND REALTY 722-408- 1 AUTHORIZED DEALER FOR PRECISION-BIL- a gorgeous view of Roosevelt. Water and electricity available. Great buy tor investment or to build. Vi HOMES T And Wedge Cor Steel Buildings in town with lots ol extras. Quiet neighborhood, close to schools and 0138-Hom- e Odder Home in Ballard. Two shopping. 85.000. story on nearly a full acre. Has one share 471011 older home in Neola on M acre, water. Four bedrooms and separate garage, tvvo bedrooms. Make an offer. Close to town but out in the country too. n9iComloztable Split level Home in 133 Nice 3 bedroom home in quiet omont. pour spacious bedrooms on large Close basement. Unfinished au electric Fenced with patio. Partially neighborhood. to schools and shopping. 58,000. finished basement 0136-Small- . Older home in town. Close to l39 home 2 miles out of Roosevelt, 29.800. Priced Close everything. enough but still in the country. Four and 3 baths on one lull acre. bedrooms in 0116-Lir- e In Comfort in this and anything else you have for horses floor md 1100 Room l2Mtg. ft 1 15-Roo- Room. h" in basement. 2 berths. 5 bedrooms and owner finance. 67.000. New Listing - Price reduced 20. Owner anxious to sell 4 bedroom home. 5 acres, 5 shares Indian water. 0109-GO- . LOlS CHICI 137-12- 0 cwffl Acreage LOT with improve- 4.5 ACRES of choice ground for a secluded home off from the highway traffic and noise. Good well is available, also has 2 shares Dry Gulch water. Lots of roan tor horses, kids and hobbies. 0107 CITY LOT 125x105. improvements. Reasonable price. 0106- 0 118 160 sj-Ca- n labath,opHan 1100 sq. ft 5 1 0 129 - S4A00. 60 ACRES IN TALMAGE. 750 be split. Terrific investment. acres In Vonsville. 5.500. Terms. 0320 ACRES with 20 shares af water, Choice acres of farm ground. All low down, good terms will divide into 2 be considered. Call Lyle. t eixacae.Vte. per acre. Can hmXGAHOUE? CALL U& KANT MOM Grant Gerber Broker Curtis Dost rup Alfred Stringham Orville Swain Deanna Henderson Lvle Swain LXSTTWGS 722-304- 4 722-302- 0 722-253- 4 247-243- 8 722-341- 0 722-353- 6 4 Chris Buxton Rick Harrison 722-44Jane & Milton Alexander 722-210- acres wfull water rights in Altanah. 0 142 - Small older home by Roosevelt Jr. . coraaerwx COURSE LF ments. ACRE LOTS with 27 353-483- 4 or 722-482- 2 Como See Us For Utah Housing Money. finmii Older Home in LaPoint. Away from town and noise. Reasonably priced at 140- - $19,200. i |