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Show Section 1 Iige SO Hastii XICKEIAl )HArl-WSPRt.v- ' r' AVvemter 1 8,1 982 USED GUIS $700 or best offer. Call Vernal. 1T162 1S18S RJfLSSJSLSA S2IauS OOOOSCOQOOOOOOOOOCCX can service all size vehicles! We For Silo 1974 Buick Century 1978 KlWISIkl 650 exceflcst cowlitm. Cal 7891869 VcruL 1978 ChByy 4 Wheel Drlve- t0n- - Sh0rt Wheel base- - ,5000 down tak 0Ver PaYments-Vprnl- i prkinnee,14fnaPplA1 1969 CMC Vz ton rebuilt engine. A 789-774- 0 789-513- 8, new good old truck $1095. See at 1982 Toyota Corolla, M . 789-192- 5, ItanrntPr SSb&VtS 3222 Bridgeland. 1S160 phMiu i Hu nirUnn - 722-418- 7 789-327- 789-416- i? 1!I? 1981 Chevy one ton welding - 789-408- SR "'"r"!948;0?0 Q 722-317- 0, Roosevelt. ISI95 p. HourWreSeservicISlOO Call $4,295. two door truck. Ready to work with all 2 He356 contact Debbie or Kawasaki Bike Shop AM-Fhard-toFully equipped. tools, new tires, a 7894678 te"aL Roosevelt. 1T176 4 Three year warranty. Still radio cassette. Call Used Truck 1973 ton, 4 smells new, $6,970. Call Vernal. 1T113 . 4X4 speed, PS, PB, AC, real 1979 Clw Luv Pick-u- p Vernal. ISI96 1978 Oldsmobilo Torinado NW tireS- ShOCkS. Call Jeff clean! $1995. See at 42,000 miles, GMC Sierra 1980 Brougham. 3534a84-tlrolalS1834 ton, 2 Kawasaki Used Cars Call condition. 1 good very excellent condition. Call Roosevelt. 1T175 ' Custom 1977 Ford Von ice box, 1T154 6 Jensen. Vernal. or i sink, full s z 6 couch, 1S197 captains chairs electric 722-418- Jtpfpn sale: 198 supercao 1981 Chev I Ton 454 with XLT. Loaded oilfield bed. Also 1981 Bucko Ton 34 Ranger and in excellent condition. 28 ft. flatbed trailer. Call Blue and white in color, Vernal. ISI94 For brakes. 789-616- 7. PS, Cruise. AC, consider trade for older for part payment. pick-u- p will 1 969 VW Bug new radial tires, Call 2 reS?Ei"e' "1" 789-738- Vernal. ISI88 8, Site For Sedan 1976 New paint, tires. 2 Roosevelt, exhaust. Call 78W9I6 or see 1S162 at 78 South Dale Ave. Vernal 1976 Chrysler Cordobe, clean! ISI89 low miles, $1995. See at Priced to sell: 1982 Dodge Van. Kawasaki Bike Shop. Call Blue and silver with Roman 2 Roosevelt, 1S163 Excellent Deville. 722-577- We specialize In prompt service at good prices) We use major brands of oil. We also specialize In: 722-418- 250 for sale, 15 hours. Call 6 Roosevelt. 1S164 1982 YZ wheel kit. $13, 000. less condition Minor tune-up- s Winterizing Call 789-tha- n Vernal. ISI90 1251, 722-233- 34 ,g74 Ton ChBV p,ckp door Excellent running condition, with lift back, low miles, Needs some body work. A.C., A.T., cruise and tilt, a Asking $1,600. Call little school teacher owned Vernal. ISI9I this one. See at Kawasaki 1978 Ford ton Cab 1981 Chevy Citation 4 V-- 6, Brakes Detail And stock most automotive parts Mundens Mini Lube West Highway 40, Roosevelt, Utah 722-27- 39 789-035- Bike Shop Roosevelt. 1S165 Call 722-418- 2. 0, 34 Super with 400 engine. Sale or trade for economy pick-up, Trans $3,995. Loaded with speed, accessories. Call new tires, cassette stereo, Vernal. ISI92 blue. $6500 or best offer. 1979 Oldsmobilo 9 passenger 9 Call Roosevelt. wagon, low mileage, 1S166 excellent condition, fu'ly 1979 special edition Am. PS, PB, AC, 4 789-130- 2, 722-364- 1971 Van Call 789-887- 7 8 must sell, $1000.' loaded. Call or Vernal. 1S178 Roosevelt. ISI93 722-474- 789-327- 5, extreme Quality WIT WML u W ' 0,1 lubricat'0 We are your Car Care Experts Fast - Dependable Service by trained experts. , ifflilST Your car la safety checked while It Is serviced. "When you need us, were there!" Put us to work when you need Come In And Have Your Car Wlnterizedl Anti-Free- ze 789-520- ks Checked 1500 East 1500 South East Hwy. 40 Next to Mighty Lubed Oil Change Muffhr ,ube We service .r .v v y.Y. ?Vt7ivr. y 789-730- 5 mountain Filters Etc. Automatic Transmissions Wrecker and T owing Service Round the Clock! 2 Auto Glass Replacement Body and Frame Work Painting of Autos, pickups, semi-trucand trailers. Free Estimates and Insurance Claim Work. Restoration and Rebuilding of older cars. v- - .: - & Oil Open 8 a.m. to 6 p.m. Monday-Frida8:00 Am to 12:00 Noon Saturday y ....... T ... Don's Body Shop 480 East 100 South Vernal y .. .w. 789-52- . . . .' . . 1 wi A.A..1 t. 02 wr i.i A v it ..' . - I, |