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Show Page 21 Section Xovcmticr 18, 1982 Basin XICKEIwVDSAlvWSllXT VS VSXWWSW V V uw1KTr homes. save 353-466- 1. iirn frSmCrihCnn-- cleaning deposit. 789-666- S?,son SW at E 5th t0 move jnt0 at 9 Roosevelt. Call or 1 and leave message. BOISE, IDAHO 722-993- - Fifth Two Wheel Travel The USED 1981 other a 22 ft. Jewel for $6,000.?. Also an 8x35 Traveleze Park Model only $6,000.. Five Star Homes. 722-36Roosevelt. Ask for Ken or Curt. IWI57 DOUBLE WIDE NO DOWN 74 WaTtr mobile home. bath, wood two bath, dry wall interior, stove, garden spot, in the paint and wallpaper country 350 month plus throughout. Solid oak trim utilities, 100 cleaning cabinets, and exterior doors. 2 bath House is clean and ready to go with cooler and set up, 3 bedroom Phone 7894956 Shingled deposit. roof, stucco exterior. Must see to believe. Set UP 'n AshleV Creek Park-252M ft W5 Jet camp trailer Vernal). No reasonable offer SSS? will be refused. Call 1 TomCraek SJso nSl vlnv skirtinofor 1 ?ee Ash,cey rk manager. Financing trailer avai1abre- - Vernal. IWI58 CalT9789MD995 Jest vernal. 1X125 R0 Mobile Homes 789- 9390. Vernal. 1X115 F TAKE OVER PAYMENTS 722-245- For Sale: Skyline mobile home. 24x52 net doublewide 3 bedroom, 2 bath, shingle oer Ton Percent over cost, plus roof, masonite siding, price vernal 1X129 -27,975 monthly payments deliver charge. Only at Care Roosevelt. 1982 Champion Homo 24x52, 3 Free Homes come ,ook at 382. bedroom, 2 bath, cathedral 1X103 invoices. Care - 722-245- 7, Check this out: Brand new S00 .!r sal. 3. and financing. Care Free Homes across from Gibson's VA 789-666- 3. Vernal. 1X122 Mnhiis Horii for rent Two bedroom $300 oer month Call 78W7emaUV1M j" s iGJ,b2?n m !sL,rrT' 1A1V Sale: Skyline mobile home 14x52 net, 2 bedroom, front kitchen price 14,575 For monthly payments 722-24S- 1, Roosevelt- Esquire R.V. & M9949. - 1X108 299s. Mobile Home axles for safe with leaf springs. Call Les, - two bedroom trailer, partly furnished, washer, dryer, carport, storage shed, private lot. No drinkers, no pets, one child accepted, reference, $295 per month $100 cleaning deposit. Call Myton. 1W115 In Myton 646-311- 9, R.V. 9 and Road Ranger , . tIt 1 83s are here Some 82s Left! s , i'- -a 4w. r '"'gty fSftw p 4 , , ; Class Home Manufactured By ' Look For jourSign EtiSsSaSamsai Supplies Come In And Talk To Us About A New KIT Today! Home of the KIT The World's Number One Builder of Manufactured Housing. 722-245- 1, Roosevelt. 1X105 Well winterize your R.V. Well do all your furnace work All parts & accessories for winterizing Non-toxi- c Anti Freeze Cooler covers 789-485- 39 MUME s,le: Skyine mobi,e home 14x66 net, w8x20 expando, 3 bedroom, 1ft bath, price 21,855 monthly For payments 789-24- Sales 1st No. 5th East Vemal, Utan ?7ns Get Ready for COLD WEATHER i Phone tehYeyCreek Gibsons0m789SWrn0aT 789-397- carpet! Beautiful furnish- ings! Why pay more? FHA asft Meadow factory Woodlake Homes, various overlook Park. 5 sizes and floor plans, come Vernal. 1X130 look at the factory invoice raiiar IQtt and pay only 10 more plus l72 SIX? completely self- delivery fee. Care Free contained (shower) very Homes across from Gibson's Call 722- coition. good Vernal. 1X118 1X137 2313 Roosevelt. New Mobile Homes at cost plus Rpo: Repos: 12 wides. 10 and de charae RP0: wn?H 14' wides, doubles wides. CathedraWceilfngs1 SSSS! 789-666- : fyJt IWI56 28x48 Not Now Standard by Fleetwood. Three bedroom, For Rant r.; 722-923- 3 bedroom, 1ft 1X117 14x65 SKYLINE cash (firm). Set up and ready N7 $4,750. 14x70 trailer home for rent 350 per month plus 100 Vernal. 3 789-557- 8. Two bedroom 1971 12x64 Sierra trailer. $6,000. 22" the factory invoices. Care Free Homes across from Gibson's - ftr M c and one chl,d 0K n0 Pets- .X. Vernal. IWI55 nlus cleaning deposit. Couples CoVooCk deposit. Call $100. IS Vernal. 1X116 Frt Homes r-- v.0' m0urnLi ' Trailers to choose from. One Latter 5,30 pm 26 ft. Roadrunner for only 3 d?lveTraaVeonlvSat . bedroom trailer on private lot. Furnished with washer. Garbage and water paid. $375. a month. 789-939- 0. 789-439- r--: - 3-- D 10x55 two bedroom mobile home in country, fenced yard 300 a month 150 illli'i'IIIIIWii 789-006- For Rent Two home for only 7990 with no down payment O.A.O.C. Mobile Homo for solo 3 hurry this wont last. bedroom, 2 bath, stove, Mobile Homes fridge, dishwasher. 14x74 Vernal. 1X114 can be seen at W3 M 1 3. TJ Come down and 1 Vernal BLI 1W154 722-245- 1, 789-666- lnKBOS Winter sals on 1982 mobile fenceExcellent wood stove, cooler and carpeted throughout. Nice wiiw(wcwewtwwciwpwtwiwwirMHWtiMWtMWMM GnKQJUiUlUi Mobile Home lot in Roosevelt, For 8alo: Skyline .mobile all improvements, chain link home, 14x56 net, 2 bedroom, for front kitchen price 16,995 6 doublewide. Call or monthly payment 232. Roosevelt. 1X101 Roosevelt. 1X104 or ,?y;!jne v,mo.j Now Mobile Homes at cost plus home, 24x44 net doublewide, io and delivery charge, Brand new! Wood siding! ?ooc00m,.M BSL piJS? 22,675 monthly 310". 722-- Cathedral ceilings! Deluxe 2451, Roosevelt. 1X102 carpet! Beautiful furnish- 3 bedroom Expando with ELmpaer; Sit 722-472- 8, sswww V Qm Bringing America. Homes" 4 Miles West of Roosevelt on Hwy. 40 Get your quality Skyline Mobile Home UP nW befor the SnW l8, 3 thS drastically reduced prices. u set 1 Youre Our Only Salesman 722-24- 51 "By WINTER early SPECIAL The Pepsi Cola Plant yQu Cfln 14x52 2 bdrm. front kitchen (Vernal) 14x56 2 bdrm. front kitchen (Vernal) 14x66 3 bdrm. Vh bath 14x66 3 bdrm. Vh bath, front kitchen e$e hQmes m m m $14,575 $16,995 $16,895 19949 $232 231 21 $18,94500 $21,85500 $22,67500 $25925 $29905 $27,97500 $38273 w8x20 expando 3 bdrm, Vh bath $31 066 24x44 dbl.wide 3 bdrm., 2 bath 24x52 dbl.wide 3 bdrm., 2 bath, shingled roof Masonite siding 14x66 Monthly payments include delivery, set up, tax and license. All trailer sizes are net" and do not include tongue lengths. 1 |