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Show m ,:j Section 1 1 f I J, It 4 HWWWUHWW want to may move! 722-419- New Rent: three 2 bedroom unfurnished apartments with dish- washer. Small pets allowed. 400 rent, 250 deposit. 789- or Located 200 West 250 North, Vernal. 20104 1701 789-584- 2. New Two bedroom adult townhouse 1ft bath, 918 sq. foot deluxe living, carport. 355 East 1st No. Inquire Tom Howcroft. or Vernal. 20105 789-35- 789-551- 0. 37 Two Office Spaces For Rent 1750 West 1000 South, across from new Sheraton. Approx. 900 square feet. Air conditioned. Carpeted 450 Poll Tnrrw 7QQ oooo ?.n - vernal. 353-452- ,nS!la' 7. Fourplex lor Rent 2 bedrooms, like new, washerdryer hook-upStorage shed. s. Close to town. 400 per month. 200 deposit. Call 6 or Vernal. 20108 789-769- 0. 789-084- . T 3 Bedroom Duplex for rent in acre For Rent two bedroom home homesite and ranchette! Full spacious front room, located Indian water right! Best of in Neola. Neola. Good Established Bookstore for pasture and hayland! Only 10192 sale. Would be a good family S500000 per acre and business. Call for more discounted, $1000 per acre 5000 sq fL luxury in this Vernal. for 1 information cash!. No down payment gorgeous home on one acre, : ' 10200 if qualified and balance agent' owner, t, owner-agen5 Vernal. 10193 Neola beautiful five acre financed by ranchettes. two miles north of years at 12. The perfect For Rent small unfurnished Neola Store. 3.000 to 5.000 an place to live! Dean Frandsen, one bedroom apartment in Roosevelt. 10176 center of Roosevelt low rent, acre. Beautiful view with will Owner cleaning deposit required. one For Rent Roosevelt privacy. carry 10195 contract Will consider trades bedroom house on nice for down. Call Terry 2 private lot only one and one New!! Three Bedroom full or Ken Vernal. 2L104 half blocks to Safeway. basement homes. Check our or For one and Private cozy. Quality New two bedroom quality construction. Triple two peop!e only . $375 per pane windows, oak cabiin Call Darris town. at duplex or 2 8 or nets, custom homes starting Vernal. month. Call 10178 Roosevelt. at $37,900 on your lot. Buy 2L108 while interest is down. Call One Bedroom House for sale in For Sale: three homes in or Bonnie SS , . 789-523- For Sale By homesite Acre per month.' All utilities paid. finished basement, rock 150 cleaning deposit. Roosevelt. 10152 fireplace, corner lot. Assume Call 10 percent, $70,000. Roosevelt 1 acre in Vonsvilie. after 5 p.m., Excellent terms.Owner must Roosevelt. 10170 sell, make offer today. Call Accord For Rent nice 2 bedroom Becky 2 Vernal. apartment $250 per month. Realty 2L119 Vernal. 1P129 3 Bedroom House for rent: Big For Rent 2 bedroom house with garage, and large back 7 yard and garage. Call yard with patio. $475 a Vernal. 1P130 month with $250 cleaning 8ft Assumable Loan on this deposit. No pets, no single real estate. 3 bedroom house males. Call 8 or 0 6 or in Maeser. Vernal. 10161 Vernal. 1P131 approximately 2 13 acres. Frontage on Cedarview highway, share of well available. Call 353-46- 722-372- 0, 66 or 353-482- 722-342- 8, Neola. 5. 10188 247-230- 8. Duchesne moblie home on landscaped ft acre. Call FL 789-229- 7. 789-691- 789-282- Becky Realty 353-459- 789-646- 4 247-231- deposit, cleaning no drinkers, smokers, no pets, For Rent Duplex 4 bedroom, 2 in country near vernal. Call bath, fireplace garage 550 300 4 2L114 month, or deposit, 722-289- 789-851- 0. available Location. Location . . . Check the convenience of this 3 bedroom home. Includes a cozy family room and wood stove, assumable loan. Call Steve or Karen, agents 0 Bastian Realty or 2 Vernal. 1P122 Dec. 1 789-493- 4, Vernal. 10205 789-739- 5. 2 and 3 Bedroom furnished or unfurnished apartments, cable TV, color TV, available. 2 or 350 and up call 2 Vernal. 10206 789-031- 789-187- 739-229- Will 789-487- self-containe- 1. d. 789-573- 789-22- 92 789-064- 3. sub-divisio- n. 789-286- WjSSyBLaMMt 789-673- 789-286- 789-099- 9, Hancock Cove with 3 bedroom nice mobile home. Low down, will downtown. $200 4 No smokers, deposit. Call 789-244- carry contract. Call 8, 722-923- UTAH HOUSING MONEY 7 AVAILABLE ON A LIMITED BASIS 12 INTEREST Roosevelt. 1P132 Vernal. 10163 789-574- in 5 Acres Alfalfa Upalcol 2 acres with lovely home. 3 bedrooms, of large Want to trade building lots in Also acre. $800 family room, living room, 2 per Roosevelt for carpenter Gusher, in Neola area for car attached garage, large 6 acres work. Lots are near golf Neola. trees, 2 wells, 2 extra trailer sale. Phone course. Ask for Ken. 10165 spaces in if wanted to help Neola. 2L103 this one. Appliances and For Rent 2 bedroom duplex in pay Two acre lots in Cedarview wood burner, ft mile to Call excellent location for home Roosevelt $325. excellent fishing and boating Roosevelt. or 6 or mobile home. Call lake. Very low down to or Neola. 10167 qualified buyer! Only 10189 For Rent 3 bedroom home 2 $52,000 by owner agent Roosevelt. of miles south 5 Dean Frandsen Good Established Bookstore for and Water Roosevelt. 1P133 lights paid. $375 sale. Would be a good family $150 month, deposit. per business. Call for more Attention! Yes, someday can Roosevelt. 1 information Vernal. Call be today!!! Seclusion with 10168 10200 convenience. Wooded hills! Office Most beautiful view of Commercial Building, House for rent 250 a month industrial or sunset colors playing on the warehouse and 150 cleaning deposit. 8 for lease. Mountains. Five Uintah 6 Call Vernal. 10203 building ask for Roger. 10122 acres, tiny down, liberal Vernal 35 acres prime terms, small payments. development property. Call Payments Under $400 on a Must sell this weekend. Dont Accord new solar home. Call miss out. Call evenings Becky 2 2 Vernal. Bastian 9 or or Roosevelt. Realty 2L117 10137 Vernal. 1P134 Theda. Realty, acres with 20 For Sale: 50 water north shares 15 Year Payoff 353-429- 6, 353-452- 7. Choice Lots 353-444- 0, Available or will build on your lot. 722-223- 5, 353-466- 353-482- 5. 722-223- Painted Hills Dev. Co. 722-289- 6, 789-523- 789-718- 789-448- 247-230- 8. 789-156- 9 789-812- fc i. -- Call Realty World Labrum 789-245- 8 646-336- 7 789-229- 646-340- .. .., ,.,.-.,- . QUALIFYING FOR A HOME LOAN A PROBLEM? MONTHLY PAYMENTS TOO HIGH? 789-229- 247-230- 8. 56 789-402- 789-313- 722-476- 6, 73 Good Established Bookstore for sale. Would be a good family business. Call for more information 10200 789-523- Vernal. 1 Rent With Option to Buy, rent goes to down payment! Lovely 2 bedroom home in Roosevelt, with large yard and trees. Strout Realty. 722-223- 5. Apt to share 225 10171 furnished, leave message with 10 Acres bartender at Gateway cedars. Lounge for Wes. Vernal. 10204 Lapoint 180 789-509- acres pasture, with natural spring river. Call Becky and 247-230- 8. Accord Realty 789-812- 2 S45.00000 789-139- 5, Northwest of hunting & fishing. $6000 with no down. Balance monthly over 5 yrs. at 12 percent by owner-agenDean Frandsen. t. Roosevelt. 10173 House For Sale by owner, with 2 acres, has trailer hook-u- p also. & 722-223- 5. Vernal. 2L116 Call of secluded pines Starvation Lake. Right in 7 or best offer 2 or Vernal. 2L130 789-992- 2ft Acre view at the Rendezvous part of lots in Crescent. Choice location. no down Only $5000 payment and easy monthly We Buy, Develop, Sell, Trade, and Finance Real Estate Property. DEVELOPER'S SPECIAL 60 acres of prime residential property ready to go. Terms available. CONTRACTORS SPECIAL 20 to 100 residential lots ready to build on. $8,000 each and terms. Also, individual view lots $10,000 to $150,000. About anything you want. INVESTORS SPECIAL Various kinds of highway and commercial property. payments for 5 years at 12 RENTER'S SPECIAL Residential and commercial percent by owner-ageoffice & shop space availLease option One year old Easier than rent! able now. three bedroom home, Dean Frandsen. 10174 789-062- 6 nt 722-223- 5. fenced yard, 20 Acres Pinesl Indian SPORTSMANS SPECIAL 0 storage. Call Christine Native! Deer Want to find paradise???? or Basin Real Estate Canyon! Very We Can Help You." Call Country! Mountain top! Only Vernal. 2L140 3 or 789-32or S500, per acre! no down! SUPER DEAL Solid brick home and 10 yrs. at 12 percent! close to town, four bedroom. , Owner agent financed!! Dean LANDSCAPERS & BUILDtwo baths, large lot and Frandsen, Roose- ERS SPECIAL Topsoil, lava rock road base, and all SWIMMING POOL. Mid 70s velt. 10175 0 landscaping material at the or call Christine For Sale: three homes in Rendezvous. 0. Basin Real Estate Overlook. Set Creek Ashley Vernal. 2L141 up and ready to move in. One Be i landowner. One acre lot. 3 bedrooms and two 2 General Properties paved road. 6 mi. So. of bedrooms. See Tom 2750 West Highway 40 Roosevelt with city water Johnson, park manager in route. bus on a school and Vernal, Utah 84078 Vernal or see at Housing Plus Owner selling and financing. Mobile Homes. 4 miles west Phone 789-09Cali for details of Roosevelt. Call at the Rendezvous f fireplace, 789-680- 789-068- 789-097- 6. .4, .VS-,'4;- r4,5 ' , - i, ' v1 , ' ,', i ' . 4 , 4, t V Vs. ' ! $' , , vt, , fllililPilllSIi - -- A? vL-T- ,, 4 t "V ' ' 44 Well Cosign Your Mortgage & Help Pay Your Monthly Payments Contact Realty World - Labrum, the exclusive agent in the Uintah Basin or 789-245- 8 84 789-478- 0. 722-502- 6 722-223- 5, 789-680- 789-068- 789-478- 6. 73 , 545-253- 2. . Roosevelt. 2L101 i '' 722-245- 1. 10179 789-048- 789-279- 789-519- stove. Close to schools and 789-609- 722-245- 1. 789-128- $450. Big yard, washer, dryer, refrigerator and 722-999- 789-646- 2 Properly for Ssle in Lapoint or Neola ideal for building lots. Neola. 10191 Lerge 2 bedroom house, agent Creek Overlook. Set yard, city Ashley 5 Lapoint. 10197 One in. to move and ready $99 down up 2 two 3 and bedrooms Besutiful Ranchette Setting at 12ft Tom See bedrooms. with 1 or city advantages. Close in at hand. Johnson, manager park 2L110 Only $4,000 per acre Vernal or call Housing Plus for 5 to 2ft ' acres. No New two bedroom home. Mobile Homes, 4 miles west restrictions. Julie agent $425, unfurnished, $450n0 of Roosevelt. Call 0 or Vernal. furnished. per month. S200 10179 10199 L Roosevelt. Big water and sewer month $350 interest. Call 0 Vernal. 789-286- 6 Accord Vernal. 247-230- 8. 789-812- 789-812- 2L118 353-444- 0, 35 Rent, two bedroom Qwner.4 bedroom, basement apartment, 300 For tri level home. Two bath, 722-577- 0. trade equity in my home for small 30 to 35ft. trailer. ATTRACTIVE BUNGALOW in Call Must be desirable section. Close to or 789 3572, 4 after 5 p.m. Vernal. 2C109 shopping area and to ask for Frank. schools. 3 bedroom and 2 10207 3 bdrm. duplex, carpet, baths. Assumable VA loan. For Rent new two bedroom CaiiMeT,TgenT948i5M Sterrirrhn00,k'&N?a Vernal. Listing 58. apartment. Large living month. 200 deposit. Jerry 1P123 room and bedroom, 1ft bath, Radiator. Vernal. air conditioning, carport and 12.3 Acres in Dry Fork 20110 shed. Located in Under $3,000 acre, storage Canyon. See at For Rent: 2 bdrm. full Cal1 quiet 6 TerrY agent 339 W. 250 N. 400 month. Vernal- 0 Vernal. 10208 ?paan Real,yLand. Vernal. 20112 For Rent 2 bedroom Gorgeous 2ft acre parcel in 375 a month Bellird home lots & the heart of Maeser. Priced apartment, 150 deposit, frig., kitchen farmground, ft mile north of at only $25,000. Call Terry appliances, washer, dryer Ballard church. Call Becky 6 2 or agent and TV hookups, carpets, Accord Realty 789- - Bastian Realty, Vernal. or drapes. No pets. 789-378122 Vernal. 2L120 1P125 2 Vernal. 10209 For Rent 3 bedroom house, 2 Bedroom Duplex. Stove & one block east of Todd refrig., washer & dryer General Properties School. Available Oct. 15. hookups. Carport with 2750 West Highway 40 375 Deposit required storage. Small pets. $300 a Phone utilities. 7 month, plus month. Vernal. Vernal, Utah 84078 Roosevelt. 10153 1P126 Phone 789-09789-372- 10182 5. Two 722-223- 5, 789-754- For RenI All electric, a month plus 200 deposit. 1 Two children only 889-328- ; 722-22- 454-312- 722-289- 6, 789-156- 9. 353-452- For Rent large home in Altonah with yard. $200 a 4 month plus deposit. Altonah. 10141 Rent 2 bedroom apartment, furnished and all utilites Vernal. Dishwasher, fridge, stove, carpet, landscaped. paid. $350 per month, $425 month, $200 deposit. $150 deposit. Call Small pets ok. Call collect Roosevelt. 10169 353-459- 9, Beautiful new apartment for rent in Roosevelt. Super storage, two large bedrooms. everything! 35000 per 8 month. after 5:00 Roosevelt. 20103 pm. For l . i I l Near Neola on Highway, 5 REAL ESTATE You I Iitfc iU Has in XICKIiL ADSAWVSIUIXT Xovcmljcr 18, 1982 1 1st Roosevelt S. Vernal and Main Street 72&-502- 6 REALTY 229 West Main world 789-245- 8 4, |