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Show tUtmtiim a J! .! S8 .:!;.- - y-- ',. r?" o ?it )! 1 J l f ' ?Jl ' - i m m m BUM 1STATI m. I Maks TT!IS5rSg near son course on Hr Neola highway, 5 minutes f,?!.?.1,?? f gsaEweKonsaaBWCTooopotaooooOT Sent . LrJ!!s!!ei1 or Sudani three Nicest w bedroom m town. Kitchen with refrigerator, range, dishwasher, disposal and 1 Immediate Call Darris ask for 353-45- 27 i 1ft bathroom stove fridge Pat. Neola. 20163 washer dryer hook-up- s! bedroom home storage shed. In remodeled near golf a$o1 and shopping. 0 or Vernal. highway, five 20169 s from Roosevelt, no S pets " month 100" Seosevelt excellent business 801548-224to water paid, location for sale 5 floor security deposit, plans Many s choose from or we'll 5 Reference required call 353- - monthlv income Call Re?J I build to your specified-- S 4527 ask for Ken or Pat. Accord Realty 789- Neola. 20164 8122 Vernal. 2L115 stiens. If! 789-Neo- la 789-506- 6. i 247-230- 8. i a Its For Time To Get Ready A carpeted, appliances 789-691- 2. 789- - Vernal. 20171 washer and dryer city near furnished, One -- tw0 bedroom, draped and 2828 or shire furnished four hookups, storage shed bedroom trailer with two 6 Vernal. $450. Call bachelors. Will 789-127- non-smoki- 20121 ng three bedroom unfurnnew, apartment, ished. Modern appliances, For First months Rent Free no deposit 'ISO00 month mobile home space in small quiet park, no dogs. Call Vernal. 20166 Rent dishwasher, garbage 789-737- 6. disposal, church and hospital nearby, small pets Mobile Home for rent in permitted. Only $400 month Roosevelt 270 a month, $250 deposit. Located 250 two bedrooms, no deposit North 200 West, Vernal. See 20174 2 Vance at 6B or Carol 2C 20114 Vernal. Need e Roommate to share 3 bedroom apartment $200 for rant Has wood stove month which includes Apt wood 300 month 200 and utilities. See Vance at 250 722-347- 6. 789-584- Private bedroom for each. 1200 rOTl Cable TV and all utilities 0uRllxPr ful1 1 bedroomSduare paid. 140 monthly each North 200 West 6B deposit. Call 2 bath down 'h bath UP- 20167 Roosevelt. Roosevelt. 20172 Vernal. 20115 deck ,n Earpketpd drf?pes For Rent beautiful new -- 14' wide, 2 For Rent New 2 bdrm duplex, For Rent 1981 storage, 2 2 1 bath on nice lot. duP,exbedrooms., bedrooms, fririne rannP and rikhdrapes, kitchen kitchen, living carpets, TV and washer - Dryer Water, sewer, garbage & lot rent paid. CoupTe with one with triple pane windows, R?rPeiii?ncHanirpSonilt, Country style living. No pets. child. No Pets. Vernal. 20102 Vernal. 20101 large landscaped yard in city near schools and churches. call limits, 425 to 450 rent, See to appreciate will be 200 damage deposit. Call before Thanksgiving, 3 Vernal. ready or call Vernal. 20173 V 722-999- 789-584- 722-207- 1. 789-243- 9. 789-293- 9. Woodburning WINTER!! 789-281- 1. 789-934- 789-615- 3. 20157 Why Take Chances With A Dirty Chimney? & Son Gilmer A Chivers We Offer Prompt, Courteous, Basin-Wid- e Cleaning Service for Fireplaces, Wood Stoves and Licensed, Bonded Fireplace Inserts . 1 Pi & Insured Ditching - Trenching Excavation Sewer & Water line Installations find nearly anything j Basin Nickel Ads H 24 Hour Answering Service CHIMNEYS WEST 789-234- 3 Radio Dispatched Chimney Sweep Service Unit 789-42- 00 789-529- 7 7500 South 2500 West 681 Vernal Last Chance! 7N5)-;507- Package Now For The Get Your or NATIONAL FINALS RODEO Dec. 3 - 8 Oklahoma City Saddle Up To. A Spirited City Limited Tickets Available $450 R-- T per person Reservationstickets Airfare SLC - OKCHotel Package must be purchased by Nov. 30 HAWAII Special Inaugural Prices TICKETS INCLUDE 8 WAIKIKI Sun, Sand & Rodeo AmericaBull FighilngBull Riding Teenage Top Hand ChallengeNFR Rodeo BILLION DOLLAR STALLION SPECTACULAR Days - 7 Nights INCLUDES: Hours 8 am - 6 pm Weekdays 9:30 - 3:30 Saturday Our Services Are Free ( 'li.ni(- Without Nin i s'il,r- Roundtrip Airfare Roundtrip Transfers Flower Lei Greeting Pearl Harbor Cruise 7 Nights Standard Hotel - Waikiki SandVilla or Waikiki Grand - PP) - TraveI ancI Tours' 15 -- l Frontier (Superior accommodation add $20 78-458- - South Vernal Are. Vernal. Utah 84078 5 Work with the finest material. l.el iis make a hid on your last Onalilv him i I me. Ye haw riiraitiuv lor sale. reiipholstereil B&N Custom Meatcutting Now Open To Serve You! o Elk Deer Miss Surf $399 per person, Sharing Hotel 8 Performances Including 5 o Antelope Wrapped and Ready for Your Freezer 1385 N. 2900 W. 789-366- 9 Vernal Owned and Operated by Bob & Norma Powell (aver 30 years meat cutting experience) -- 789-607- 3 Stop By and See Our New Shop |