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Show !vi USat ... fee ASVrvn'4 & .. r '?' ' i. , - v- A'..,- rAS. November 18, 1982 llasln NICKEL ADSAUWSl'KINT Iligc 27 Section wm "r ; - ' i ? ; - - s , .s' s' ,lf. , 1 PAINTING Free estimates. References. St 789-431- Vernsl. 2F104 5. Carpentry: 17 yrs. experience by job or hour. Call Jim. Free Vernal. estimates. 789-849- 4. 2F106 i I 6 io oo coco in in co x-- co !l Loving meals provided. Reasonable Vernal. rates. Call ' 2F120 789-161- 8. () Quality Concrete Work.24 years combined experience.' Drives,floors, patios, walks, footings and yard curbing, 6 4 or etc. Call Vernal. 2F122 i ..jflt!!! 'bi DA cl g 5 s II ?5Im 789-939- 789-920- till! ! l ii 'iHUiiil Apple Computers price! at a special Regular $2600, complete system for only $1995. Grand Opening special at THE COMPUTER STORE, 46 South 600 West. Vernal. 2F129 ilslni SSloS - co (1055 activities and Preschool s!i!i! 3 in mother would like to in my home. babysit flSIHIIIi ill Hii! cm ATTENTION SMALL BUSINESS OWNERS!! If your paper work is getting out of hand, then you need a computer! If you have someone to do your books, then you need a about your confused Q- - Q-oo qo . 1OO0O s6 NNCOO you are If computer! financial standing, then you need a computer! Come to The Computer Store at 46 South 600 West, Vernal, and find out how an Apple Computer can save you time, money and hassle. Call Vernal. 2F130 789-951- 3. Logsplitter for rent, ad-- a g O'OO'O ' id in id lOT--- f III 2 T e ao a- acm O-r-- w o o in o Ch O U 40 0 n n 0 r- 0 ui CO aa MO-p-er hour or s40 per day. portable and hydraulic. Call Vernal. 2F14 i m 789-584- o 00 0 0 2, Expert Cleaning done. Call for free estimates. Private home 0 after or business. 5:00 p.m. Vernal. 2F14C 789-946- HOME We IMPROVEMENT?' Excel in interior and ex'erior remodeling. Carp; rts,. s additions, windows and co co j- 5: - doors. Anything for Home Improvements. Call a licensed contractor at 7 Vernal. 2F144 2 u? IO 55??s5 C CQ LJJ LL. (D CD 89-277- 1. tD 1 LL CO still available at the 3rd annual Santa's Workshop, craftsmen and Booths are IE artists needed. stand concession available 789-485- 1. Also is still Vernal. h 2F145 gitia will annual at 3rd sold be the 11 at Dec. Santa's Workshop Springer Spaniel Pups Pure the Armory 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. Bred, AKC registered Vernal. 2F146 Champion Pedigree. Bred for hunting, great family dogs For Sale two wood and coal each. Call $100 cook stoves, one is regular 1A155 size, one small. Call Vernal. 1E147 Homemade Christmas Mills and Bread We carry several Mixers. studio quality reception 9 for Phone New low brands. from the satellites. Vernal. installainformation. more prices, professional 1A153 tions. Satellite TV for $125 This 3 for month years. per ELECTRIC SEWER isnt just TV this is your LOGANS DRAIN CLEANING ROOTER access to unlimited movies, TV from the start! Snow free Wheat 789-557- sports, Car required. Call No 722-573- 6. collect calls please, Roosevelt. 1C150 Roosevelt, Used Freezer and refrigeDuchesne and Vernal rators. recondition and Mothers in wanting to work at home, 9 call Lou Ann Roosevelt. 1C146 722-232- Appliance Repair of Will pick up and haul old appliances your them away. Have several guaranteed. 789-249- rebuilt compressors for dryers, dishwashers, 789-064- entertainment. Home Electronic Ford. GM. Chrysler, and 7. 545-243- 145 646-318- 247-245- 5. Almost New Trampoline 1 year old. & by 1? sold for $500 789-570- 789-589- new, will sell for $350. Call - 1A151 Sals: French Provincial canopy bed frame, mattress included if desired, excellent condition. Call Neola. 1G132 For ditcher, or 646-322- 2 646-32- 1C157 Do need you a new 722-286- te 6, 722-289- 61 & 789-260- 9. 789-199- Home 7 Entertain- ment Center, 145 West Main 1A120 Vernal. 1C111 Must sell one Sweetwater condo, share. Willing to trade for equal value. Call 722-207- 9 2. 789-844- 789-925- Machine: Western sales For Tractor: Massey Ferguson 35, 1965 model. Gas engine, good small tractor in good Roosevelt 1C152 2 running condition. 5 Sale Hawes Chief or Bridgeland. 646-322- 646-324- Marshall .357 $150. 20 channel CB $35. Call Bob, 722-46after 5 or 722-421C153 Roosevelt. p.m. Minolta 500mm lens $200 firm. Call Jeff 4 Neola. 1C154 33 21 tele-pho- to 353-446- you need a new windshield? For fast, one day service on most model trucks and cars. For auto 9 for glass. Call Cut-Rior appointment quotes. Glass, 390 East Main, Vernal. 1A103 Do 789-844- te 1C139 New with guarantee. 789-960- - 722-270- 0 Horses --722-2336 722-502- Have Country Western Band will play special parties. Call after 6 p.m. ask for 738-23- 41 Vicki. Duchesne. 2F149 DUMP TRUCK FOR RENT 34 51 For Silo 4 year old registered Paint Stallion. Well broke, 3 good breeding. Call in Nephi after 5 p.m. 1C143 623-136- Moving Solo 15 foot McKee at 789-570- 1, radio dispatch 789-321789-420- 0 4, unit 8723. Free estimates, fiberglass emergency service, Vernal. I d, 722-270- 789-904- 4. 789-584- 2, 722-289- 2, MUSIC! Framing: Paintings, ton pickup with dump bed needlework, photos, 20 a day. Flat bed trailers documents, crafts, 200 for rent, all good for hauling Vernal. frames to choose, from for wood. Call that odd size you need. 2F150 Matting any shape, circles and ovals. See at Ben Santa's Workshop Dec. 11 Franklin Arts & Crafts & welcoming craftsmen and artists to exhibit and sell Framing Room, Vernal. their works. Call Pat 789-481A110 or JoAnn 7894940. BACKHOE For hire call Mike Vernal. 2F147 canoe with paddles. 3 1A111 buy horses. Phone month-olhigh capacity Roosevelt. 1C155 6 New vinyl siding 40 years water softener. 3 month-ol- d Dimensions 2510 W. 500 N. Roosevelt. 1C161 Young LDS couple with two Bank financing, featuring experience wanting to One Day Service on 350 Chevy color T.V. antenna. 50 feet of experience, guaranteed, Five tires and rims for Jeep or years & care for elderly. Call engines. 0 in Roosevelt. 4 ft. chicken wire. Call 722-44- special introductory prices. TV live and Stereo. Sony Ford $350. Phone 8 Vernal. 1A102 .722-3171F166 Roosevelt. 6 Roosevelt 1C145 1C156 . Vernal. 1G172 . 6 or Roosevelt. 1Q164; at Television's 5, For parties, or dances, book weddings dance your early for the Call Steve seasons. holiday at the Sound Company Vernal. 2F148 DANCE Vernal. 789-431- 5. Custom 7. Televisions New Dimen- 4 Wheel golf cart with canopy, windshield? For fast, one model sions. 2510 W 500 N needs some repairs. Asking day service on most auto For cars. and trucks Vernal. 1G170 $500 or best offer. Phone 9 for Call glass. Roosevelt. 1C158 4 FOR SALE: One talking Parrot, Cut-Rior quotes. appointment Blue front Amazon, with For Sale o.ie metal storage Glass, 390 East Main. shed about 6x10, $200. Call Vernal. 1A103 cage and feed $500.00. Vernal. 1G171 Roosevelt. 1C159 6 Puri Bred Pitt bulls priced to FOR SALE: The best value for Transmission. 2 wheel drives sell, 5 males ten weeks old. your entertainment dollar. $395. 4 wheel drives $495. Call 454-37after 6 p.m. Satellite TV, on LIVE display Includes parts and labor 1F165 Bluebell. 789-960- Sewing service. Vernal Auto, Bernina 45 353-429- at great Savings! 4, 6. 789-199- Two great used wood burning 789-321- 1, 789-420- for only $99 per month and Bridgeland. paid for in 3 years. Home 1C142 Entertainment Center 145 German Short Hair Pups for West Main Vernal ' 0 Neola. 1C115 sale. Phone 353-459- 9, stoves HANDYMAN. We do it all. 2F103 DUMP-TRUCK- West Main. 1A150 789-249- 6. 6. 789-328- washers, Automotive air conditioners, equipmenlscope refrigerators, freezers and AMC. Will make house calls signal generator meters, ranges. Serving Uintah on appliance repairs, 25 0 Randlett. 1C151 Basin. Ming Appliance repair years experience in Auto air S GRADER. BACKHOE. 4 Myton. 1C147 cond. and refrigeration. Call Services, also 70 TV CHANNELSI is what you 1A101 Duncan Van Mike asphalt paving, top soil, can get on your own Satellite BACKHOE For hire call filler dirt, Lambs Construc-tio- n Earth Station, installed by McKee at STAYING HOME CAN BE FUN 0 unit 1A109 or $40 a radio dispatch us. Why pay S20-S3-0 rent 2 or 3 movies and video 8723. Free estimates, machine for less than month for cable TV for the taking John Deers 7 foot rear blade. rest of your life? Satellite TV emergency service. Vernal. Call to movies. the a family Good condition. Myers V is available with Bank Terms 1A111 to reserve a now machine like new. Call SERVICE 24 HOURS, CALL 1A108 and special Entertainment Center Sales person needed in direct sales in Vernal area. No experience necessary. Good pay, work your own hours. 06 789-824- Persons 18 yean of age and older wanting to earn extra cash, consider becoming a Licensed Day Care Provider. You may earn up to $683 per month. Contact Social Services if interested, Call 789-585- 0 Vernal. 1A154 |